Session of the Bible school

Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA.

God blessed us in Hertza city. We could have another evangelization meeting at the house of our brother. Unchristian neiborgs came and I shared the Gospel with them also I told them my testimony of how great is God in my life and how many miracles He made. We had brought them boxes of food and handed them out to them.

A couple of days ago we made a path to the house of prayer with concrete. Also, we made the foundation for the barn and restroom behind the house of prayer. So, thank God that He gave us strength me, my father, and other brothers to do that, and also thank you for financial assistance.

We made the third session of our Bible school in the mountains where we could see god's creation and were inspired by how great is our God. Up to 20 teens attended our lessons. Some of them are from refugee families.

We teach them how to follow Jesus and how to behave in this age.

Prayer needs:

- For those unchristian people whom we atended so that they come to Christ.

- For teens that attended our school may they grow in faith.

- For me and my family so that God gives us strength and power of the Holy Spirit to serve Him zealously and fruitfully.

Thanks for your prayers and financial support for our ministry. May God give you back for hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak