Evangelization in Hertza

Greeting to you brothers and sisters from the USA. By God’s grace, we still alive, and we are able to serve people. The war is raging more from day to day, but we hope and lean on God and trust only Him.

We conducted evangelization in Hertza from house to house. Two evangelists came to us and we visited different households. We shared our testimonies, explained the plan of salvation and love of Jesus Christ. People were opened to listen to the Word and to accept us. We invited them to come to Christ and to come to the church. We pray so that seed planted in their hearts bear a good fruit.

Likewise, we had a special service in the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi with children’s choir. It is so moving to see how little hearts worship God with their talents.

We had a wonderful camp Candela where I served as cameraman and interpreter for Americans. We visited a lot of villages with the eyeglasses ministry and many people hear the Gospel. At this camp, teenagers were ready to accept the seed that teachers planted. And on the final day we saw how Holly Spirit touched them and about 50 people came to know Christ.

We are preparing for the next session of our Bible school. We plan to conduct it in the mountain location. So please pray so that many teenagers could come and learn more from the Bible.

Prayer request:

  • For people in Hertza who heard the Gospel so that they come to Christ.

  • For teenagers who repented in camp so that they join to the local churches.

  • For our Bible school

  • For our health and strength to serve God despite anything.

Thank you for your participation in our ministry. Thanks especially for your prayers and financial support. God bless you and your families.

With prayer for you,

missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak.