He is sick but worships God

Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA. May God bless all of you for your kindness and merciful hearts to us Ukrainians, for your prayers and support.

In Hertza church one brother Ruslan who is about 30 years he likes to serve in the service with songs. He has such a good voice and sing in Romanian. When he was 11 he had a fever for a couple of days and when he got to the hospital doctors diagnosed meningitis. It affected on his mind and his left arm and leg. So he began to lame, and his brain is on teenager age. But he loves God and want to glorify Him through his talents. Almost at each service he sings two songs. Members of the church love him and let he feels acceptance.

In the church of "House of peace" in Chenivtsi there was a youth meeting with topic "Ask pastor".

People were able to give any questions to pastors openly or anonymity. That was good possibility to ask something important to you when you're shy to ask openly. I served there as photographer.

We had a scaled conference on volunteers from whole Ukraine. There were 350 volunteers from different regions of Ukraine, and they shared with their experience how they help people during the war. That was good meeting of worshiping God and exchanging of experience. I served as photographer.

We had sisters meeting of Chernivtsi where were more than 50 young ladies and women. The subject was what God expects from the Christian women and wives. That was nice and pleasure time for them to study the Bible and to get to know each other.

We visited widows and mothers of died soldiers in Chernivtsi and villages of our region. They are in despair and don't know how to live further. We comforted them and granted packages with products. They thanked us that their relative are not forgotten, and we remember about their input in our victory. We distributed about 37 packages.

That is a brief report of what we are doing here. Thank you for your prayers and support that you are not apart from our problems, and you help us in our situation and ministry.

With prayer for you, missionary in Hertza and Chernivtsi Alex Pastushak.