New City for Gospel

Greeting to you brothers and sisters from the USA. We are glad of being partners with you in the ministry of God. I`d like to share with the blessings from God in this month.

  1. Praise the Lord, we could to complete the renovating the exterior of the House of Prayer in the town of Hertza. The building looks very nice. We plan also to make a concrete pavement around the building and the concrete path from the gate to the building of the House of Prayer. We thank for your finance participation to this activity.

2. I had the opportunity to attend the First Baptist Church in Ivano-Frankivsk City. They heartfelt accepted me and gave me the possibility to preach. I encouraged people to trust God despite the circumstances, and one woman had repented at the end of service.

3. Our radio ministry got a new frequency of 102.0 FM in Ivano-Frankivsk City, so about 300,000 people have a chance to hear the Word of God.

4. God especially blessed our Bible school. We had a session with teenagers, and we were concerned who will come because a lot of families moved abroad cause the war. But God gave us 24 teens, and 7 of them were refugees. We observed with them a few books of the Old Testament and also talked with them about sexual purity and resolving conflicts.

5. My wife lead meetings for teenagers girls and I help her with everything. They meet in a volunteer center in the downtown of Chernivtsi. Among girls are unchristian teens and refugees. This time the subject was “How to tame a wrath?”.

Please pray for the growing of the church in Hertza and for completing the reconstruction work there.

Please pray for evangelization in Hertza that we planned on June.

We share with only a part of that God is doing here every day. Thank you so much for participation in our ministry.

With a prayer for you,

missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak