Ministry in Hertz city


I send to you heartfully greeting and blessings. May God`s grace and mercy come down upon you. Thanks for your prayers, help, and support of the mission in Ukraine.

1. Service in Hertz

With God's help, I started attending a church in the city of Hertz. Every Sunday my brothers and I from our Chernivtsi church visit a small congregation in Hertz. All church members are very happy to be remembered and appreciated that they are visited with an interesting program. This is a native church for me, I came here with my father for 10 years. My wife and I sing, recite poetry and preach.

2. Radio ministry

We conducted several programs on the following topics:

Topic: How to respond to injustice? (2Sam.22: 26,27). The usual reaction is anger and resentment, but Jesus reacted very differently when He was wrongly accused. In a world full of injustice, we are deceived every day, but the Bible teaches not to revenge, but to forgive.

Topic: Happiness loves silence (Gen. 39: 2). With the development of social networks, personal life has become public, people post absolutely everything on the Internet: how they get up in the morning, what they eat, how they go to work, etc. How much do you need to open yourself to the public and where is the border of private life?

3. Listener Testimony


Ruslan called us with tears. He buried his mother today. Father died earlier, and now he is very lonely and so bad that he wants to go and hang himself, because he can no longer return anything. An understanding of his mistakes comes to him, the realization of how many tears he caused to his mother ... he pours out his soul to us and cries. We told him about Christ and His love for him, that He forgives absolutely everything. During our fellowship Ruslan decided to repent and dedicated his life to God. He also agreed to contact the minister, and accepted recommendations to listen to certain preachers on the Internet. He said that after communication and prayer, "his soul felt better," and he thanked us very much for helping him to remove this burden from his soul. He saw our phone on the calendar above my mother's bed. So the mother left a helping hand to her son even after death.

4. Prayer Needs:

- for families and their needs in the Hertz`s church and for their unbelieving relatives and neighbors

- for my family and wife, that God helped her to recover spiritually and physically after experiencing grief

- for our preparation for the Christmas holidays, so that many people come to the service and hear the Word of God

- for me and my ministry, so that God would give wisdom, His knowledge, and strength to carry the Good News for people

Thanks for worrying about us, for your prayers and spiritual help. God bless you and reward you a hundredfold.

Sincerely yours,

Missionary in Chernivtsi City Pastushak Alex.