Wedding day


I send to you heartfully greeting and blessings. May God`s grace and mercy come down upon you. Thanks for your prayers, help, and support of the mission in Ukraine.

1.      Hertz ministry

We regularly visit this church where we preach, chant songs, and tell poems. The members are very hospitable and glad to see us every time. They are hungry and thirsty for the alive Bread of God.

This month we had a holiday, one young couple married, that was a great joy for all church because they are the future of our community. We greeted them with blessing words and sang songs for their family.

2.      Radio ministry

We produced many programs, here are some of them:

Topic: Google or ask for advice? (Ex.15: 22). When we need to find out something, we immediately google it. This habit replaces our fellowship and counseling with church leaders. But the problem is that there are no filters on the Internet and instead of useful information you can read so much that you don't go to church anymore.

Topic: War and Peace (Rom. 14:19). There are crises in every family, but the problem arises when they drag on for a couple of years. Quarrels become a habit and then the spouses can no longer stop. How to mend relations, end the war and achieve the signing of a truce?


Topic: Who is Christ for you? (Matthew 16:16) One day Jesus asked his disciples: for whom do people and they themselves regard Him? Some believed that He was a prophet, Elijah, John, and Peter said: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God! And who is He to you?

3.      Listener testimony


Listening to our radio, he called to deal with himself and rehabilitate himself after a suicide attempt. A girl, a common-law wife, left him, and so he decided to commit suicide ... But, by the grace of God, when he went to the stadium to say goodbye to life, a flock of dogs appeared and began to bark, which stopped him ... Then he went away from dogs and, in another place, he wanted to say goodbye to life, but suddenly, out of nowhere, the police came (detained drug addicts) ... After all this, Slavik sobered up, and realized that it was not an accident that God Himself intervened. Slavik remembered about God, as he attended the Salvation Army as a child, and retreated as a teenager. During our conversation, we talked about how to live on, how to pass this life test. Despite the fact that Slavik believed that now there is emptiness in his life, and he did not want to do anything, it turned out that not everything is so sad, and we outlined many victories that Slavik had managed to win over the past two days, and the guy perked up, and looked differently at the present situation. We agreed that he will write down his victories and thoughts about further actions in changing his life, and will prayerfully approach any undertakings in life. We invited him to say a prayer of repentance, but the young man admitted that he was not ready now, but wanted to go to church. They recommended a church where he can turn. We continue to pray that Slavik will find real life in the Lord.

4.      Prayer needs:

  • For our radio ministry to reach more people and to have more influence on their lives

  • For our Hertz church may God strengthen physically and spiritually all members.

  •  For my deacon ministry in the Chernivtsi Church

  • For the health of my family may God protect us from diseases

I am deeply appreciated your financial and prayer support. God bless you abundantly!

Sincerely yours,

Missionary in Chernivtsi City Pastushak Alex.