God saved us from the sin of murder


I send to you heartfully greeting and blessings. May God`s grace and mercy come down upon you. Thanks for your prayers, help, and support of the mission in Ukraine.

God has given me a new responsible ministry in our church. He entrusted me with the building and caring about His Body. I was ordinated for the deacon ministry. I am thankful to God that He has called me and led me for that. I ask to pray for me that I can be devoted, faithful, and sacrificial for Jesus Christ.


We had a terrible situation and a fairly difficult temptation. That was the worst period in my life like a valley of dark death. My wife Nadia was pregnant and in the 5th month of pregnancy, the water has begun to outflow but very slowly. Day to day the water was pouring out and finally after two weeks the baby left without water at all. It was like a slow death. Doctors said that we must make an abortion because my wife might die too. But we didn’t want to kill the baby because it was still alive and we could feel its moves. On the other side, the wife`s life was in danger. I could lose her too. I could not sleep all those nights. What do I need to do? What is the best decision in such a case? There were terrible nights for us. We know that abortion is a sin before God and we don`t want to do that. But all doctors had been forcing us for that to saving the life and health of my wife. We prayed and then said to them no. Then they replied if you don’t want to make a surgery so go home and die both. We believe that only God gives life and only He can take it back. So we decided if God wants to take the baby to Himself let it be, and let He take its life back but not we. We went home and on the second day, we went back to the hospital with the contractions of pregnancy. It had started usual childbirth. God started that. It was a miracle because anybody can not have contractions in the fifth month of pregnancy. It was the answer from God that He takes a baby`s life by Himself. So He saved us from the sin of killing a baby.

During childbirth, my wife lost a lot of blood. The baby was born dead. It could not live because its body and the lungs were not ready for that. After that my wife felt bad because her level of hemoglobin decreased significantly by 60 points (norm is 120 g / l), she could die. So the doctors made the Blood Transfusion to her to save her life.

Praise the Lord that He saved my wife and she is alive. I would not overcome if they died both. It is God`s mercy for me and for Mark our son that he still has his mother.

Please, pray for our family, and especially for my wife Nadia may God strengthen her and console her heart.

Thanks for worrying about us, for your prayers and spiritual help. God bless you and reward you a hundredfold.

Sincerely yours,

Missionary in Chernivtsi City Pastushak Alex.