Peaks And Valleys

Blessings to everyone,

It is pleasant to know that you are working together with God. This is not just an impression, nor a deception, but a visible reality. Many years ago, the Baptist Christian Community in Sibiu asked me to get involved in the work of the Hope Church in Ramnicu Valcea.

The churches also have their "peaks" and "valleys". Some workers are with the churches throughout this journey, while others are in the "valleys", and some on the "peaks". I was, together with the church, in its "valleys", and God worked in all of us, so we could see the "horizon" again.

By the way: I visited "La Cascada" in Covasna, a town somewhere in the central region of Romania, after participating in the dedication of the Cult Place of the Church in Zagon. As I climbed the stairs, I looked up to the end of them and noticed among the tree branches a patch of blue sky with a few white clouds, giving the impression of a pathway to where God dwells! I had a feeling of unique joy and fullness, unlike the usual ones. So, in my heart, I thanked and praised the Lord for this small experience.

As I climbed, I noticed that the "patch of the sky" was complemented by the crowns of the trees, then by their trunks, then by buildings, cars, people, paths, grass, and a few withered leaves fallen to the ground from where they had been not long before. At that moment, through this small experience, I understood something with applications in my life and in our lives on this earth: When we are in deep valleys/difficult moments that we experience, we look up, waiting for an open door, a way of salvation. However, as we climb, the situations are not as difficult anymore. We come out of them, our gaze shifts from the sky to the ground, and we almost forget the "patch of sky" and the help that came from there!

If we forget, surely in heaven, there are books of remembrance being written, whose content will undoubtedly refresh our memory on That Day, and which will contribute to our eternal reward!

Returning to my time of service at the Hope Church in Râmnicu Vâlcea, I can say that in the "hard service", the "patch of the sky" was so close... I served the fellowship, encouraging everyone to be faithful to the Lord throughout their earthly lives. The young people established families and became adults, and parents. Now, they raise their children in the fear of the Lord, and the result of their way of life and the teaching they give to their children bears fruit.

So, the Grigore family rejoiced to see their 17-year-old son in the waters of baptism. I rejoiced and preached, as simply as I could, "so that every person can understand," following the words of Brother Pastor Ionel Gag and to "write history" in this locality with an ancient historical attestation, but with a New Testament baptism, the first in the community's history.

May the Lord's blessing be with them there and with all of us, wherever we may be!

Prayer Requests:

  • That brother Beniamin may grow beautifully in the way of faith and walk on the Lord's Path until the end of his life.

  • May the Lord bless the locality of Horezu, and may many turn back to the Lord. Pray together with me that in the places where I find myself, I may honor the Lord, His Church, and the Mission of Partners in International Evangelism, which I represent in the dual capacity of a servant and National Director.

Stinea Timotei - PIEI Romania Missionary