Lord, what do you want me to do?

I came into this world one month after my father passed away. The doctor told my mother to terminate the pregnancy or risk her own life. In obedience to the Lord, she entrusted her life to Him, accepting the risk of losing her own life to give birth to me. For 11 years, she diligently taught both of us boys the Biblical model of Christ's followers, then she went “home”.

After that moment, I slowly rebelled, becoming a young man full of hatred and openly declaring myself an enemy of God.

By the age of 20, my “argument” with the Lord had turned into an open war, taking every opportunity to mock Him. Oh Father, forgive my madness!

Loved despite my lack of love, I understood this when I experienced the state of being one called to judgment and without a Defender... only one solution.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. And He listened to me. After this, I asked Him insistently: Lord, what do you want me to do? He answered me, “Preach the Word, be steadfast in it, in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all long-suffering and teaching.” Since then, and until today, this is what I do!

I do it as a disciple of the Lord Jesus, as a servant of the Gospel, as a missionary, and as the national director of PIEI in Romania, as a pastor of the Church in Victoria, as a husband, father, and brother to those who love and obey the Lord. I am married to Marilena, my wife, and we are blessed with four children, three girls and one boy. Alongside my family, the Lord has given me three sons-in-law and nine grandchildren. I can say, with gratitude to the Lord, that we belong to Him!

As the National Director of PIEI Romania, I desire, pray, and do everything within my power for PIEI to fulfill the Lord's command in Matthew 28:18-20. Together with the PIEI missionaries in the country, we strive to be fulfillers of the Word, spreading the Gospel to places it has not yet reached, and teaching people, through word and example, to believe in the likeness of the Lord Jesus. Twelve missionaries work in 28 locations, planting and serving local churches.

I serve my brothers by visiting them and encouraging each one to be faithful in what they have been entrusted with.

I am seeking to develop PIEI projects in all these service areas, personally participating in or supporting their work. I take pleasure in bringing them together with their families to the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia, where fellowship strengthens relationships and rejuvenates their families.

Reaching Romania

By grace, we have been given everything we have as a mission of PIEI in our country. We have four properties entrusted to us by our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is not just a saying, but a reality. Therefore, we want all these places to be dedicated to the Lord. In each of them, He should be the Master, and all who cross their threshold should experience the presence of the Lord.

The Christian Center PIEI-Alba is used for fellowship, prayer, studies, sports, education, and more. In September, we had the joy of hosting pastors from Alba and the surrounding areas, along with their wives, as guests for a dinner. We organized the meeting as a special moment prepared for them, to honor them for their service and sacrifice. We also discussed how PIEI can assist the churches in Alba Iulia and the surrounding areas. It was a blessed time for which we thank the Lord and those who facilitated the event.

We pray that at Podari, the place will be like a 'beating heart' that sustains Christian life in the southern part of the country. I am thankful to the Lord for the church I am a part of. Though it may not be large in number, it prays and engages in serving according to the will of the Lord, even to the ends of the earth.


  • The Lord to open doors for me to proclaim the Word

  • To be in His will continuously

  • To have discernment and proficiency that comes from Him in all that I do

  • To be a faithful and good servant.

Thank you for any support that comes from you, the one reading these lines patiently. I call on you to be a part together with me and all my comrades in the work of PIEI in Romania. Be blessed by the Lord!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director