School Started

May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ triumph in the homes and families of each of you. This beginning of the school year was a great joy for Debora and Emima, and even for our youngest daughter, Rebeca. Debora and Rebeca couldn't wait for school to start; they were so eager that they asked almost every day how much time was left until the end of the vacation. On the other hand, Luca and Lois were not as enthusiastic about starting school; they would have preferred the vacation to be much longer. That's how children are, the little ones are eager to start school, while the older ones are less so.

We watch them and rejoice in them, and we remember the times when we were students ourselves. Time has flown by so quickly! We thank God for the children He has given us and for making us responsible for praying for them and educating them. Our most fervent prayer is that these children learn well, but above all, that they receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

From our home, we invite you to pray together with us for the children of each one of us; may they be a blessing to all people, and through them, may others come to know the Gospel.

God bless you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary