God Had Touched Their Hearts

This summer, I had the opportunity to send six young people to the MIA camp, which took place in Rasnov, Brasov County. Three of these young individuals come from Orthodox Christian families. The camp lasted for five days, during which these young people could participate in various Christian activities, listen to testimonies of other converted youths, and sermons, and get to know and socialize with other young people from the country and abroad. They had the chance to make friends, become attached to different camp leaders, and we thank God for the impact that such camps have on the lives of these youths.

I was the one who was involved in taking these young people to the camp and also in picking them up from Rasnov. Upon their return from the camp, it was easy to notice that something had changed in each of their lives. It was clear that God had touched their hearts, as their speech was more balanced, and even the music they wanted to listen to was different from what they used to listen to before leaving home. We have been praying for these young people since they left home, and we continue to pray. We invite you as well to pray with us, both for the salvation of these young people and for us to have the opportunity to organize and carry out such camps. Thank you, and may you be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary