A place for those loved by God

It has already been five years since we started preaching the Gospel in locality of Beciu, Teleorman County. At the beginning it was not easy, because for the local people what they heard was something new. Today we thank the Lord for the wonderful way He has used us to reach the hearts of these people. Throughout this time we enjoy six souls who have been moved by the Holy Spirit and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives.  We also praise God that approximately thirty children participate in the school meeting with children on Saturdays, as well as a few people who visit the church, but also the openness of local people to us.

With God's help, for a period of time we have been enjoying about the wonderful place where we can carry out our activities, a place which was offered to us by Mr. Gică Andrei, the mayor of this locality. For a limited time we can enjoy this place, until we succeed, with God's help, in having a place of our own.

We know that God has worked for us to see and be aware that He is with us. He wants us to walk forward confidently, glorifying Him.  We invite you to pray with us for God to continue to show His glory and to work mightily in the hearts of all who enter in this building. Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary