From the beginning of this mission work we tried as much as we could to get involved in people's lives and also in social needs. This approach had and still has an extraordinary effect in the hearts of those who were helped practically. I am happy to hear that many people in the village speak well of us; this reputation helps many more people take the time to listen to the Gospel.

When I visit a family with several children, an old man, widows or anyone in the village, I usually do not go with empty hands. I have something to offer those I intend to visit . The reality is that one does not always have these resources; but they must come from somewhere. When we did not have something, we took from what the Lord had blessed our family. I never went without having something to offer. 

There were also periods of crisis, when I was concerned about the situation because we relied on relationships. Relationships that at some point, for various reasons, broke down. During those times God intervened. He brought the "ravens" (1 Kings 4:4-6); brothers we had never known came to our aid and the work went on. I am convinced that what God begins, He leads things to the good end. He remains the most faithful friend!

Thank you all for listening when the Lord spoke to you, for staying close to God, and in this way close to us and the mission work in Beciu. It’s important for me to remember that we each have been called to the work by the Lord and not by people. No matter how one behaves, we must know we are serving God's work. This work must not be abandoned.

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary