These days I find that no matter how old you are or how cold it is outside, if you are hungry, you will go out to get your food.
Recently God put in my heart to preach the Gospel where people gather to buy food at the market. Although it was very cold for hardworking people and householders, the cold could not prevent them from coming to sell their products and those who wanted to buy what they needed. The time spent in the market was blessed. I met people to whom I could speak and give New Testaments and Christian literature. I also met a woman who who I would soon visit in her home.
After being at the market I wanted to visit needy families. I prayed to the Lord to show me who to visit. Shortly I understood one of the families I would visit was this woman's family. During the visits I was joined by a team of students from Timisoara. Coming into the home of this woman's family I learn of two children as well. I realized that this family needed help, both socially and spiritually. We thank God that we were able to help a little in both needs.
After about forty minutes with this family, I left sad and troubled that people are so closed-minded. As if with the coming of winter, it also froze their hearts and minds to understand their need of God, and to understand it's more important to nourish your soul than your body.
I believe that only our prayers raised to God can thaw the hearts and minds of these people and many like them.
God bless you!
Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Missionary