
In October, together with another brother in Christ, we decided to go through the country to promote the mission work in Oltenia. This time we chose that Bucovina area and, with the help of the Lord, we managed to reach where we set out. I was impressed by the beauty of the Bucovina region, a territory blessed by God.
I have visited several villages, such as Suceea, Pâmpului Câmpului, Ipotești, Vicov and Dumbraveni. In Dumbraveni we stayed for five days at a special family who helped us a lot. We met with several brothers and we were received in five churches to present the need for the mission work in Oltenia. It is true that many of the servants I spoke with are also involved in all kinds of work, but some of them take this as an excuse only to not get involved in Oltenia.

One of the barriers that impede certain brothers would be the distance between Moldova and Oltenia, we are too far. I know that Oltenia is an area that many servants flee because of the rejection from here. Maybe it is true that it is difficult but not impossible and I have experienced this personally.

It was great to see God work, the doors that were once closed now are opened. There is hope, because when someone wants, God gives them the ability to.
I left Bucovina with enthusiasm, even though I was confronted with disappointment, because I also met welcoming brothers, willing to listen and willing to get involved and to come to our help

We thank God for having His resources everywhere, but they must be exploited, it requires work, passion, dedication. As always we thank you for prayers, God bless you and reward you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Missionary