Praise God for the Prayers of Others

This month of September, when it is also the first month of the Autumn season and due to the fact that my wife and I are going through suffering, I did not intend to make a long update but a short one. Today as I write this information my heart is filled with joy, namely that 3 villages of relatives when they learned of our suffering entered the day of fasting and prayer. We seem to already feel relief- how good it is when others are praying for you! I recently talked to sister Marioara Barac and sister Gabi Stef and when you see that there are sisters and brothers who care about you, you feel differently.

For a week I had to stay at home in bed to be treated a little bit but instead of giving me phone calls I have I received a phone call every day from the children from the Orphanage and from the faithful from the villages of relatives. I prayed that the Lord Jesus would reward them as he finds his way.

In the village of Valea Dumiresti I gave food this month as well. it is a great joy that is hard to describe but Christ sees the need and this is enough. In the village of Rotunda I had clothes and I am still waiting for more packages, but I am glad that I know where to give them.

Children from the Orphanage are not yet allowed to participate in programs but we hear each other on the phone and still 4-5 girls manage to come to the church program on Sunday morning. I'm glad that most of all that the Orphanage is organized in the bedrooms and they do Bible studies, prayer, and songs.

I am coming to an end, but not before thanking God the Father who gave me such brothers and sisters who care about you even though I do not know everyone who prays for me and my mission. I pray that the Lord Jesus may reward them all with health for the whole family, for the businesses that have them, etc. I would like to mention the USA committee, which connects us missionaries and sponsors, to ED family and DAIANA, sister Maroaora Barac, fr. Matei Scheau, and sister Naomi etc.

I will end with a verse that did me a great favor.


Traian Chilau, PIEI-Romania Missionary