I Survived Covid-19!

Before I say anything about the mission I have from God the Father I would like to talk about the trial I endured this month and at the same time to thank everyone who prayed for me. I in turn pray for the Lord ​​Jesus to reward you as he finds his way.

Towards the end of September and the beginning of October I was tested positive with Covid-19. Since I have many other health problems, including Liver Transplant with Immunity 0, Insulin Dependent Diabetes, Stroke and others pre-existing conditions 2 hospitals to refused to hospitalize me until through God's grace I was received in Cimpulung at a large hospital to see what treatment to give me. The Lord Jesus worked for my body to respond well to treatment. After 14 days I left the hospital NEGATIVE! How can I not thank GOD for all the care he has given me? Now I see how he works indirectly as well. I did good to my wife who by my hospitalization was isolated so she was protected.

Thank you so to all of you who brought me before the Throne of Grace. After a week of treatment at home, I feel good and I started the mission by gathering both in the villages and in the city, but respecting the rules imposed by the authorities. I would also like to say that I spent my birthday on October 6 at the hospital and I had the opportunity to share the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST with both my roommates and medical staff . What we certainly look forward to seeing you in heaven I would also like to say that the telephone is a wonderful earthly means of fulfilling the Word of God to "REST IN BROTHERLY CONNECTION."

I have always kept in touch during this time of pandemic with the girls from the Orphanage with the villages of Rudari with many brothers and sisters, etc. Where the doors are opened by God to enter and not be seized by the spirit of fear we have many promises such as I AM WITH YOU and APART FROM ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING. Let's make the Lord Jesus real in any circumstance in our lives.

In conclusion I would like with all my heart to thank GOD, and all those who have been more or less involved both Spiritually through Prayer and Financial and I pray every day that God will reward them and their families with health. I would mention the PIEI committee from the United States that keeps in touch with our wonderful sponsors, the family of ED and Daiana, the sister Marioara Barac, the family of Matei Sceau and the sister Naomi. and so on I would end with a word from the Bible:

Philippians 4:6- Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Traian Chilau PIEI-Romania Missionary