Spreading the Good News of the Birth of Jesus

This month we were glad to be with our children celebrating the birth of our Lord, and then at New Year’s Eve, on a short vacation. As I usually do, fulfilling James 1:27, I visited and took food to the needy and poor. Through these charity acts, the Lord is glorified, and we pray that they would be fruitful. We had a wonderful time together at Telna with youth, brothers and sisters, and a brother from England who had been with us at the summer camp in June 2017. After the church service we planned the summer camp for 2018. With God’s help, we want to set up a play park for the children in the village, on the church’s property. We plan to add benches for the parents and grandparents to sit on while watching the children play. This is a pretty expensive project, and I pray that God would help us get it done. Through this action we can be a good testimony for the children and parents. In December, together with a group of brothers and sisters, we took the good news of the birth of Lord Jesus to many families in Telna, Sard, Bucerdea and Mesentea. We pray that those who have heard the carols would be changed by the Holy Spirit and convicted of their need for Him. For all the help we receive, we are thankful to the Lord and to Trinity Church, and to all who support us to complete projects.

Prayer Support:

§  To build the small park for children, in Telna

§  For the youth and those who work with the children: vision and work strategies

§  For the children who participate in our meetings, and their parents

To all in the PIE Organization, wishing you a new year filled with blessings and fruit for His glory!
