November 2017

I thank God because throughout 2017 I felt His guidance and power in the mission work. I also thank Trinity Church fo r their faithfulness and constant support for me in the mission field. Thanks for all the help you have provided in prayer and with finances, much needed support. I thank God for all the workers in the PIE Organization, and I pray that the Lord would give us an even more fruitful year, along with increased spiritual and material resources.


In November, we continued the mission work in Mesentea. We are taking a break until Christmas when we plan to go caroling. We have to interrupt the work because we don’t have a house where to meet anymore, and during winter, we don’t get to connect with people in the street as they stay in.

With the Lord’s help, we prepared a team of youth who will be involved in the children’s ministry in Telna, and we believe that God will bring much fruit in the life of the children there.

We visited the sick, those who are part of the church. We had great fellowship with them at Communion, and I am glad that every year I have the opportunity to speak about the Lord Jesus to the non-believers in the family. The daughter of one of our sisters from Sard, named Nadina, started attending church every Sunday. The same for the husband of another sister from church. We pray that the Lord would help them stay consistent. I also make sure that the widows and the sick have sufficient wood to warm up their houses this winter.

Prayer Support:

o   To find a family in Mesentea and Benic who would open their house so that we can continue the mission work even during winter

o   For Nadina and Gheorghe, to stay constant in their attendance and to decide for the Lord

o   For the youth team who plan to work with children, that the Lord would give them vision and wisdom.

We want to wish you all peace and joy as you enjoy the holiday with your family, under God’s guidance.