Encouragement for Bianca


Bianca is one of the girls that comes regularly to our children program.

At the Bible story about the difference between the choice of Peter and Judas, pointing out that Peter was ashemed, and denied Jesus,  I showed them pictures with a beggar, a prisoner and a king and I asked: "Who would you like to be seen on the street with"? Of course the answer was "with the King."

The truth is that Jesus was poor, was in prison but He was King. At the end of the program I said to Bianca that whenever she might feel ashamed of Jesus because other children loughs at her she should always remember that she walks with the King.

At these words I could see how Bianca straighten up her back, lifted up her head, put a large smile on her face picturing in her had that she walks with the King.

What a great honor to be children of God and walk with the King!!!!