Childrens Ministry / Home Visits in Coteana

Thank you very much for reading our news and for praying for us. This is very important for us and we are most grateful. We realize that your self need prayers too so we will be happy to lift you in prayers specifically if you choose to share any prayer requests. In General we pray that the Lord will kindly increase your faith and may you never doubt His love and presence no mater how hard.
Our family is well in general but going trough colds, flu and cough.
David and Ruben enjoys school, learning the written Romanian language and English language at the same time. Recently David took part in his first competition on Romanian language, he did quite good, very proud of himself.:)
Glad to have been invited to go to the kindergarten to tell the children Bible stories. In February retold the story of Creation with a bit more details, had activities that got the children involved. The purpose was to help children memories as much as possible the days of creation and understand that God has beautifully and amazingly created all of us and He loves us. The teachers are always present and they too hear the Gospel. Please pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
For the weekly children program in Coteana for the last couple of months we replaced the traditional Bible stories with actually doing short Bible study. The purpose of this is to help children get more familiar with the Bible, learn how to relate to the Bible and learn how to search in the Bible.They really enjoy this Bible reading and growing in knowing and learning from the Bible itself.
I praise the Lord for each opportunity that I have to share the Gospel with Sonia and Lucica the two women that work at Spero Designs. We spend 4 hours a day/ 5 days a weak together. You might think, are they not Christian yet? No they are not yet but buy God's grace one they will also have their name written in the Book of Life. Please pray for their salvation. Please pray that the work done by their hands will find a good market and it will sell well in order to financially support their families. One of the ladies this month shared that she doesn't have money to pay for the bus fare to come to work. Buy God's grace this will change for better. Prayers highly appreciated.

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The home visits to the ladies in Coteana on a regular basis are an encouragement for the women and gives me the opportunity to know them more personally and pray for them more specifically. In particular I want to ask prayers for Gena, she is about 90 percent blind, her husband is paralyzed in bed with very reduced mobility.

Her daughter has gone trough a divorce recently, this has brought to Gena much suffering and she is often crying and can't sleep at night because of that.Please pray for peace and Divine comfort on hear heart.

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The home visits to the ladies in Coteana on a regular basis are an encouragement for the women and gives me the opportunity to know them more personally and pray for them more specifically. In particular I want to ask prayers for Gena, she is about 90 percent blind, her husband is paralyzed in bed with very reduced mobility.


Her daughter has gone trough a divorce recently, this has brought to Gena much suffering and she is often crying and can't sleep at night because of that.

Please pray for peace and Divine comfort on hear heart.

Prayer points
*We plan for a  children day camp in Coteana at the end of June. Please pray for finances to buy a big tent and for all the needed support for the day camp.
* Peace and comfort for Gena
*The work of the Holy Spirit in children and peoples lives also using the weekly activities of visits, preaching, Evangelism,programs
*Tires for the bus
Mark and Florina