April 2017

Ps 121:8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going

    both now and forevermore.

We are most grateful to the Lord for this promise and for that He is a faithful God and always keeps His promises.

End of March trough April and begining of May, we spent traveling to England yo visit family, friends and churches.

We had a good trip and our boys were very happy to visit nice places like museums, fun fair, sea side and ride the bicycles in beautiful parks.

As well it was nice to get involved with Church without walls ministry that feeds the homeless every Sunday morning and with Clementswood Baptist Church in visiting, cleaning and sharing. On Good Friday we walked the center of the city commemorating Jesu's crucification. Carrying the cross was a humbling feeling.

The highlight for Mark is as usual long walks in the Wildwood and Evangelise people that he meets on the walk.

We are happy that we are back home and back to our church family and ministry.

Thank your for reading and praying for us. God bless you.