A New Ministry Journey

In May 2024, I began a new project in my ministry before God: proclaiming the Gospel to families, both believers and non-believers, in an area different from my usual place of work.

Together with my fellow missionary from PIEI, Aurel Rodean, we visited the locality of Valea Ciorii (the area of Brother Aurel Rodean) on two different days, visiting six other families in this locality (three families each day).

On the first day, we visited the Cordea family (photo: Cordea family), the Buiu family, and the Dumitras family (photo: Dumitras family). On the second day, we visited the Rus family, the Baicu family, and the Todor family (photo: Todor family).

Sister Rus urged us to pray for her mother, Ana, who opposes believers. May the Lord change her heart and the Holy Spirit show her the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus.

At the Brazasti mission point (photo: Brazasti A), I am praying for one more family (non-believers) - the Lup family, in addition to the three families I visit (all non-believers), and for other hearts to be open to the Good News.

Prayer Requests:

  • For my health - a multitude of pains in my spine

  • For the family of Nicu Morcan, brother Morcan's son - the whole family is non-believers

  • For sister Titi's son, Titus - a non-believer

  • For Ana, sister Marioara's mother, who is very opposed to faith

  • For the Brazasti mission point, the fourth family of non-believers (the Lup family) that I visit and to whom I can present the Gospel

Thank you for the wonderful spiritual and material help I receive from you every month. May the hand of the Almighty protect you at every moment.

In His service

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary