Embracing Hope

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We had the joy of celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus in Romania, and this has brought us all closer to God. At a time when war is very close to our country's borders (Ukraine), our Heavenly Father has granted us peace and holy joy on these special days.

During these celebrations, I had the soulful satisfaction of being able to help the poor around us. In Campeni, I was able to assist Sandu and Costica, who are among the poorest people in the area.

In Sohodol, we had the Lord's Supper at Sister Lenuta's house. She is a 90-year-old woman, very poor and sick, yet deeply faithful. I walked 50 minutes uphill from where I left my car to reach her home (see photo with Sister Lenuta in Sohodol).

Prayer support:

I am eager to start a new project this month (May), focusing on evangelizing families in other localities apart from the ones where I work alongside other PIEI missionaries.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your wonderful support, both in prayer and materially, every month. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to the International Evangelism Partners Association, which has cared for us countless times through mentoring and spiritual building at the PIEI-Alba Iulia Center.

May the good hand of our God protect you every day.

In His service,

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary