September 2017

In the month of September we had meetings with the believers in Ponorel and Sohodol and with the non-believers especially the ones in the extended families of our brothers and sisters. We had a special great time with the Dragoi Family (with Marin and Marinela who know the Word of God and are not far from repentance).

In Sohodol, in the family of Sister Fica, I met with Benone and Lili and their children (Benone and Lili used to attend church for a long time, but their faith weakened). We prayed for Sister Fica for them and we believe that the Heavenly Father can change their heart. Also in Sohodol, Sister Felicia (a strong believer) has big problems with her non-believing husband Nicu. He attended church several times in the past, but not lately. He had a car accident. He is very much against God and against the church.

This month we visited the church in Avram Iancu (see photo) and we had wonderful fellowship in the Word of God. I was glad to see them stay strong in the Lord and also see them shine a holy light, even as few as they are. I also visited Brother Tomos (95 y old), the oldest man in the church. He told me many things about the beginning of the faith in this area. We prayed together for furthering the Gospel in the Apuseni area.

Prayer Support:

§  For Marin and Marinela  from Ponorel

§  For Nicu, the husband of Sister Felicia from Sohodol

§  For Benone and Lili from Sohodol

§  For the harvest celebration (a thanksgiving celebration) in Ponorel and Sohodol, as a great opporuntiyt to invite the non-believers

Wishing you special heavenly and earthly blessings from the Lord Jesus!

Florin Botar
