August 2017

In the month of August I met with believers and non-believers in the area and had conversations on the Word of God. At Sohodol, Sister Lenuta, at 80, impressed me with her strong desire to share the Gospel to her non-believing neighbors. She visits them a lot and teaches them beautiful things from the Bible. I also met Mr. Nicu there. He is open toward the church. We have good conversations about salvation. He and his daughter-in-law came to church, and we were glad for it. His wife is close to the Orthodox Church. Sister Zorita has major problems with her son Adi (non-believer); we are praying for them. At Ponorel, Sister Mariana went through difficult surgery, and needs lots of prayer support. Sister Sabina shared the difficult situation of her daughter-in-law Anca, a teacher in the City of Campeni who might be sick with cancer. Anca and her husband Dorin live with Sister Sabina. They are not believers, and I could not connect with them so far.


This month I visited the orphans in Abrud again, took some fruit and sweets for them, and shared the story of Joseph from the Old Testament (see photo).

Prayer Support:

-           For Sister Lenuta’s neighbors

-           For Mr. Nicu and his family

-           For Adi, Sister Zorita’s son

-           For Sister Mariana ‘s health

-           For Anca and Dorin

-           For the orphan children in Abrud and their teachers


With thankfulness and love,

Pastor Florin Botar