News from October

The month of October was a month of gratitude toward God. Throughout the year I felt His hand of blessing that protected me and guided me every moment.

The first Sunday, in Ponorel, we had a special dedication service for little David (Corches family) where eight to ten non-believers attended for the first time in this type of church. It was a special evangelism time. Praise God!

The second Sunday, we held the Thanksgiving celebration at the church in Ponorel, a special time to share the Gospel. The week before the celebration I visited several families of non-believers and have invited them to join us for the worship service.

The third Sunday, we held the Thanksgiving celebration at the church in Sohodol (photo Sohodol2), again, a great time of sharing the Gospel. In the afternoon, some of the brothers and I went to the church in the Village of Sard to have the same celebration there. At the service in Sohodol, Professor Bendea, a retired professor, well respected in the village, joined us. He has visited out church before. He has a special heart for God.

Prayer support for non-believers:

-           For Craciun and Iulica from Ponorel

-           For Gelu from Baia de Aries

-           For Prof. Bendea from Sohodol

-           For sister Zorita’s family and children specifically

-           For two orphanage houses in Abrud

With all gratitude and love inJesus Christ,

Pastor Florin Botar