News from November

The month of November has been a month blessed by God.

At the church in Sohodol, Mr. Nicu shared a testimony that moved  our hearts and strengthened our faith. He said: “My family and I went through a difficult situation with our son Darius. He has been sick for awhile, and was seen by many doctors, but his health was deteriorating. I had heard you were praying for the sick at church, and I asked you to pray for him. From that moment, Darius’ situation had improved gradually. God listens to prayers and makes great miracles.” This testimony came from a man whose heart had been changed by faith. We pray a lot for his whole family.

At the church in Ponorel we had a special day of celebration (photo: Ponorel 2), having Pastor Tani Nemes and a group of people from the village of Vinerea, as our guests. The Word of God was preached with power, and the songs moved our hearts. In this village, we have a special family, Iulica and Craciun, whom we visit often and talk about the Bible. Craciun attends church frequently, and knows a lot from the Holy Word. In Baia de Aries I met with Gelu, a young man who attended our prayer group meetings several times, and with whom I talk about salvation. He watches religious programs online.

Prayer Support:

-           For the family of Mr. Nicu, and his son Darius specifically

-           For Iulica and Craciun from Ponorel

-           For Gelu, from Baia de Aries, and also for Robert and Stefan

-           For the month of December at church, with many services and programs

We wish you, with all our heart, many blessings in the name of Lord Jesus!

Florin Botar