A New Ministry Journey

In May 2024, I began a new project in my ministry before God: proclaiming the Gospel to families, both believers and non-believers, in an area different from my usual place of work.

Together with my fellow missionary from PIEI, Aurel Rodean, we visited the locality of Valea Ciorii (the area of Brother Aurel Rodean) on two different days, visiting six other families in this locality (three families each day).

On the first day, we visited the Cordea family (photo: Cordea family), the Buiu family, and the Dumitras family (photo: Dumitras family). On the second day, we visited the Rus family, the Baicu family, and the Todor family (photo: Todor family).

Sister Rus urged us to pray for her mother, Ana, who opposes believers. May the Lord change her heart and the Holy Spirit show her the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus.

At the Brazasti mission point (photo: Brazasti A), I am praying for one more family (non-believers) - the Lup family, in addition to the three families I visit (all non-believers), and for other hearts to be open to the Good News.

Prayer Requests:

  • For my health - a multitude of pains in my spine

  • For the family of Nicu Morcan, brother Morcan's son - the whole family is non-believers

  • For sister Titi's son, Titus - a non-believer

  • For Ana, sister Marioara's mother, who is very opposed to faith

  • For the Brazasti mission point, the fourth family of non-believers (the Lup family) that I visit and to whom I can present the Gospel

Thank you for the wonderful spiritual and material help I receive from you every month. May the hand of the Almighty protect you at every moment.

In His service

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Embracing Hope

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We had the joy of celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus in Romania, and this has brought us all closer to God. At a time when war is very close to our country's borders (Ukraine), our Heavenly Father has granted us peace and holy joy on these special days.

During these celebrations, I had the soulful satisfaction of being able to help the poor around us. In Campeni, I was able to assist Sandu and Costica, who are among the poorest people in the area.

In Sohodol, we had the Lord's Supper at Sister Lenuta's house. She is a 90-year-old woman, very poor and sick, yet deeply faithful. I walked 50 minutes uphill from where I left my car to reach her home (see photo with Sister Lenuta in Sohodol).

Prayer support:

I am eager to start a new project this month (May), focusing on evangelizing families in other localities apart from the ones where I work alongside other PIEI missionaries.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your wonderful support, both in prayer and materially, every month. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to the International Evangelism Partners Association, which has cared for us countless times through mentoring and spiritual building at the PIEI-Alba Iulia Center.

May the good hand of our God protect you every day.

In His service,

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Facing Challanges

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus, dear prayer partners,

We are facing significant challenges at the beginning of this year 2024, and I ask for your strong prayers. In Sohodol, our small group of believers is going through difficult times.

The first situation involves Sister Dorica from Sohodol (pictured with Mihaela and Alin). Mihaela, Sister Dorica's niece, and her husband Alin (who are not believers) recently renovated a kitchen together. After the New Year, Alin moved back to his parent's home in Sohodol, both stating that they needed some time apart as their relationship was struggling. They have been married for almost 10 years and do not have children. This situation has deeply affected Sister Dorica and has impacted our church in Sohodol. Alin's non-believing parents are also troubled, as they care deeply for Mihaela. In other cases, I've encountered, such separations, especially among young couples, often lead to unfavorable outcomes.

The second situation, also in Sohodol, involves Sister Viorica, who received the heartbreaking news that her married son passed away suddenly at the age of 65. This extremely sad news has crushed Sister Viorica and left her bedridden. She is currently in Deva, at another son's place, undergoing investigations due to her deteriorating health. Sister Viorica is one of the most faithful sisters in our Sohodol church.

The third situation is about Sister Felicia from Sohodol, who took in a 7-day-old abandoned baby girl at the hospital almost two years ago (this February, the girl, Alis, turns 2). Recently, the child protection authorities informed Sister Felicia that another family wishes to adopt Alis. This situation is very challenging for Sister Felicia and her family because they have grown deeply attached to Alis and cannot bear to lose her. After the New Year, they plan to take further steps to legally adopt Alis through Sister Felicia's daughter, Lidia, who is married and unable to have children. Losing Alis would be a significant tragedy for Sister Felicia and her family.

Prayer Requests:

  • Mihaela and Alin, that their family may be restored.

  • Sister Dorica is deeply saddened by the situation.

  • Alin's parents are also distressed.

  • Sister Viorica, that the Lord may comfort her in this great sorrow and grant her health.

  • Sister Felicia, that Lidia may successfully adopt Alis (in Romania, legal processes can be challenging).

  • For me and my family, the motto for this year is Psalm 16:8 - "I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken." Lord, help us, Lord, grant us victory.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Evangelism and Thanksgiving in Sohodol and Ponorel

On October 1st, we had a special evangelism and thanksgiving program at the church in Sohodol. The gospel message was powerfully preached by Brother Jula Marinel from Galateni 5:22, emphasizing that our Heavenly Father expects such fruits in each of our lives.

Among the 7 unbelievers present at this evangelism event was Mrs. Mariuta, an unbeliever (a nurse in Sohodol), for whom we, as a church, have been praying for several months. She is bravely battling cancer and going through a very tough time in her life.

On October 15th, we had a special evangelism and Thanksgiving program at the church in Ponorel. The gospel message was preached by Brother Daniel Ghiuzelea from 2 Timothy 2:6. Brother Daniel emphasized that a rich harvest (spiritually) depends on the entire process, starting from sowing and caring throughout the year to the gathering of the harvest.

Mrs. Iulica (one of the 5 unbelievers present) was deeply touched by the gospel message and the exceptional songs that were sung with great joy. I often visit her at her home, and she has many questions about the Bible.

Each gathering, both in Sohodol and Ponorel, ended with a holy fellowship where those present were served with lovingly prepared blessings from our sisters.

Between the two Sundays, there was the wedding of my daughter Ana Maria to Cristian in Timisoara (October 8, 2023), a special occasion of joy and reunion with our extended family.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the new family, Cristian and Ana Maria Hirtauca

  • For Mrs. Mariuta (battling cancer) and her sisters, Elena and Raluca (unbelievers), Sohodol

  • For Mrs. Iulica (unbeliever), Ponorel

  • For the mission point in Brazesti

In the precious name of the Lord Jesus, I send you holy greetings, and I want you to know that you are in our prayers.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Sandu and 4 Families

Sandu is a poor and sick man from Campeni. Whenever he sees me, he calls me: "Brother, brother, give me some money to buy food and get my medicine." I know he is poor and sick (he doesn't drink alcohol and doesn't smoke), and I help him with money every time I meet him. I asked him if he prays and believes in God, and he said yes, in his simple way he knows what the Lord Jesus has done. In Dole (a group of houses near Ponorel), I visited four families of non-believers who are even poorer. I brought them food and gave each of them a Bible. We talked about the difficult life on this earth (about the illnesses they go through). They were very comforted to see that someone was listening to their troubles. But I also told them about the heavenly abode everyone can reach one day through faith in the Lord Jesus.

Prayer Request: 

  •  A day of evangelism and the celebration of the harvest on October 1st at the church in Sohodol 

  • A day of evangelism and the harvest celebration on October 15th at the church in Ponorel

Please accept holy greetings and thanks in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Through your spiritual and financial assistance every month, the Good News is spread to many people, and the Kingdom of God is growing more and more.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

The Gospel Shared from Person to Person

I had the joy of being able to share the Good News with different people in three locations (Ponorel, Sohodol, the mission point of Brazasti, and a group of orphans - in the photo). Depending on the openness I encountered, my discussions with people focused on the work of salvation that the Lord Jesus did for their souls. There were situations where unbelievers wanted me to pray for them (e.g., Mr. Nicu from Sohodol) or requested me to sing a hymn from our church.

Sister Vetuta (a widow from Sohodol) couldn't come to church for the past six months due to a leg illness. She has an unmarried son (Dan, in the photo) who is an unbeliever. He knows many things from the Bible but finds it difficult to take the step of repentance. Sister Vetuta and all of us are praying for him.

We are also praying for Mrs. Elena (an unbeliever), a neighbor of the church in Sohodol, and for Mrs. Mariuta (an unbeliever, Sohodol) who is suffering from cancer.

From Ponorel, we have Mrs. Iulica (an unbeliever) and Mrs. Viorica (an unbeliever) in our prayers.

Also, in Ponorel, we have Brother Todor and Sister Aurelia who are sick, and we are praying for them.

Please support us in our prayers, and may the Gospel reach many souls for repentance.

May our Heavenly Father bless you with His love and protection every day.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Visiting Families

Every week I am happy to visit families from Ponorel, Sohodol and Brazasti where we have special moments of prayer, singing and fellowship from the Word of God. These families are among the faithful: Oaida (Ponorel) and Morcan (Brazasti) family and among the non-believers. In a few faithful families there are also unfaithful( not made a decision to follow Christ) members who know our songs and sing with us and have questions from the Bible.

I had a special time of personal evangelism in Sohodol with Nicu and his wife Lenuta (not a christian). Nicu is going through a difficult situation with his health and wishes to receive peace from God.

In Sohodol I visited Vetuta (not a christian), an elderly woman who came to our church several times. I prayed in her house and she was very happy (she has a heart that loves the teaching of Scriptures). 

Prayer Requests: 

  • For guidance from God in personal evangelization 

  • For the faithful of Ponorel, Sohodol and Brazesti to be light in this world 

  • For brother Todor (Ponorel) who was recently operated 

  • For Nicu and Lenuta (Sohodol) and Vetuta (Sohodol), may the Lord search their hearts

  • For Special Evangelistic meeting on March 5 in the afternoon at my colleague Traian Nemes/Bucerdea and I am taking youth and people from Ponorel where I serve. Needs prayer for those that are coming to hear the gospel.

    May the Lord repay you with wonderful blessings each day, thank you for everything you do for us!

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Joy For The Orphans

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus, I went to the orphans in Abrud and bought them new clothes. With brother Beni T’s help I brought them fruits and sweets. They were very happy and even though some of them could not speak correctly because of speech disability but shook my hands as a sign of gratitude.

In my discussions with them and the educators I understood that they were awaiting the birth of the Lord Jesus and the carol singers at their orphanage. The Holy Scripture urges us: "to visit the orphans and widows in their troubles" (Jacob 1:27) Prayer Requests:

  • For power and wisdom in preaching the Gospel on the occasion of these holidays both at church worship and at the congregation of families 

  • For brother Todor from Ponorel 

  • For Rodica and her family 

  • For Vetuta from Sohodol, neighboring our church

May the mercy and kindness of God, our Father, accompany you to the end. We wish you blessed holidays!

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Teach the Child the Way

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, I prayed for more time for the children of Ponorel, the church and the families of the unsaved.

I visited more families every week and talked to adults and children. I seen that many of the unbelievers know very little about the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, they trust more in human habits and rituals and do not read the Holy Scripture.

When I called them to church for a special program on October 8th, 20 children came (more than half of the children were from non Christian families). I showed the cartoon film of Daniel's Book in the lions' den. My heart was filled with joy when I saw how carefully they watched the whole episode. They were so impressed that most of them had never seen a Christian cartoon.

The Holy Scripture says, "Teach the child the way he must follow, and when he grows old, he will not deviate from it" (Proverbs 22:6)

Prayer Requests: 

  • For my nephew Danut (37 years old, married, has a little girl), he had a terrible accident at work, his arm got amputated right near the shoulder 

  • For the holy work with the children from Ponorel, after the end of the program at the church on October 8th.

  • For the parents of the children who met me in the locality

  • For the Brazasti new mission point

  • For the sisters Viorica and Vetuta (Sohodol Village) who are very sick 

  • For special worship and thanks programs (Thanksgiving) at Ponorel and Sohodol

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus!

With a special love I have engaged myself in working with those who have great material and spiritual needs. With the help of brother Beni T, I went to an orphanage in Abrud (8 young people) where I brought them fruit, sweets, clothes and shoes, all new. Their joy was great. Some of them didn't know how to thank me. I think it will be even harder for them and their educators because she wants to take them under her care, the Orthodox Church.

At the Brazasti mission point we went door-to-door using the evangelical book, "How Can You Know God." One of the people was interested in how we practiced Lord's Dinner. At some homes we left the book in the mailbox.

All this time I thought the words of the Lord Jesus were saying:

You shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment and the second such is: ”To love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39)

Prayer Requests

For heavenly blessing over my service 

For brother Vasile, very sick, deacon at the church of Ponorel 

For Marin and Marinela (Ponorel) unfaithful

Orphans from Abrud and their educators 

For the Brazasti mission point 

Greet you with all love in the name of the Lord Jesus, you are in our hearts!

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Proclaim With Power

Dear brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus, 

On July 24th we had a special day of grace at the church in Ponorel. The Word of the Lord was proclaimed with power by Pastor Timis Laurentiu from Timisoara, accompanied by a group of 21 children.

The children's program: psalms, poems, songs were all made to the glory of God and remained in our hearts. Two young women from the church in Ponorel, Cami and Denisa, were impressed with the children's program, and we saw them motivated for the future. All fellowship ended with a dinner the sisters prepared good things for all.

Support in prayer

  • For a special meeting with children at Ponorel watching animated Bible lessons 

  • For the Dragoiu family from Ponorel and also brother Todor and sister Aurelia have great health problems 

  • For the unfaithful neighbors of sister Lenuta from Sohodol 

  • For the spiritual power in the work of evangelism using the brochure "How can you know God" at the Brazasti mission point

We pray that the Heavenly Father will give you wonderful heavenly rewards for everything you do for the work of the Lord in my area.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Wonderful Spiritual Moments

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,

July 5-8 my wife Magda and I participated at a conference at the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia.

These days were a special time of equipping and encouraging us in the work of God. The discussions we had and the messages given by the missionary team in La Porte, Indiana, ignited our love for God more strongly. Because the work in my area with the Gospel is not easy I resonated with the message given from 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 (through brother Kevin from La Porte)

Thank you for the loving words brought to the PIEI team in Romania. Thank you to the missionary team from La Porte for their service. Thank you for meeting and partnering with PIEI Romanian missionaries and their families. And thank you for the physical rest and spiritual refreshment I needed so much.

May our Heavenly Father overwhelm with blessings every brother and sister who prays and support us.

Prayer Requests:

  • For sister Aurelia from Ponorel as she is sick

  • For Craciun from Ponorel as he seems close to the way of the Lord 

  • For Michaela, Alin, Adi from Sohodol they are unfaithful, but from faithful families

  • For the Brazasti mission point

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Preach The Word

"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season"(2 Timothy 4:2)

The gospel has been preached from soul to soul at the Brazasti mission point. Some people were at the field work and others were at home in households. Some people were open to the Word of God, others rejected the Good News.

For the unbelievers we have met it is very difficult to understand that there is also a religion other than the common religion, the orthodox religion.

The true religion speaks of a holy relationship with God through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus.

Prayer Requests:

  • For my family, protection and daily blessing

  • For Ponorel and Sohodol , the two localities where I work with the Gospel

  • For the Brazasti mission point 

  • For the orphans from Abrud 

Grace and peace from my family, and may the Heavenly Father reward you all for the support that you give me in my work,

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Dwell Together

“Behold, how pleasant and sweet it is for the brothers to dwell together” (Psalm 133:1) 

At the church of Ponorel we had several meetings, and we also enjoyed the visit of the unsaved people of the locality. Sister Marioara is very ill and I go visit her and talk to her son and daughter-in-law (unsaved).

I made special prayers with the church for this family. The little girl Alis who was abandoned by her birth mother at 7 days old was taken by sister Felicia from Sohodol in foster care, growing up and enjoying special care. We thank with joy and gratitude all those who support us both spiritually and materially.

May the Heavenly Father reward you with holy love in the Lord Jesus.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania MIssionary

Eat and Be Satisfied

”The poor shall eat and be satisfied; Those who seek Him will praise the LORD. Let your heart live forever!” -Psalm 22:26

I had the desire to help with groceries for Sister Lenuta (widow, 87 years old who went through a hard time with Covid-19). She lives alone and told me that it is now very difficult for her to make food. The whole church in Sohodol prayed for her, and several families visited her and helped her with food.

With the help of brother Beni T. we also visited orphans from Abrud, brought them sweets, fruit and new clothes and shoes. For them I had a coloring book with the life of the Lord Jesus which the orphans received with great joy. Because we are near the Easter holidays I have told them about the love of the Lord Jesus for us, how He is the Conqueror of sin and death.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the Spirit to preside over all my family 

  • For the family of Nicu and Lenuta

  • The unfaithful people in Sohodol

  • For Rodica from Ponorel

  • For sister Lenuta from Sohodol, for her health

  • For the orphans from Abrud

  • For blessings from our Father to be poured over HCBC and the PIEI committee in America and Romania

You have all our love!

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

My Mission

“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes He who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." (John 5:24) 

Again in visiting the town of Brazesti (my mission point) I brought the Word of God, the Good News, from house to house.

Some people were in their gardens, others were working in the houses. So I left the New Testament, the seed of truth, and a children's book with Bible stories at their entrance gates. I was glad when people listened to me carefully, and I was able to call them to the Lord Jesus. I wish to work one day a week specifically in this locality so many people can hear the Gospel.

At the church in Ponorel we had a special day where we blessed the sisters on the occasion of Women's Day.

Prayer Requests:

  • For peace in the world, in all countries 

  • For my family to be in the strong hand of God 

  • For the Brazestiti church plant where there are only 2 believers 

  • For Ponorel and Sohodol two localities where I work for the Gospel

  • For the orphans from Abrud 

My soul is full of gratitude for your part in advancing the Gospel in my area in prayer and financial support. May our Heavenly Father bless you wonderfully.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Visit To The Sick

"And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven."(James 5:15)

Every week I visit sick people from Ponorel and Sohodol who cannot come to the church. We pray together, we sing encouraging songs, I give them communion, and talk from the Scripture. In some situations there are unsaved people in the house with us.

Relu was at the last meeting at the church in Sohodol, a man unsaved but with a great love for the Holy Bible. Formerly a truck driver in Europe he has returned home and wishes to come to our meetings. 

Prayer Requests:

  • For my daughter, Damaris, as she has a big exam at her work

  • For sick people at the churches of Ponorel and Sohodol 

  • For unsaved families

  • For the Lord work in Relu’s heart

  • For the orphans from Abrud

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

On The Path Of Discipleship

”And what you have heard from me, in front of many witnesses,

commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” [2 Timothy 2:2]

This year at Ponorel with God’s help I have started a biblical discipleship course with brother Beni and his wife Lenuta. This course is called: "Ten Fundamental Steps Toward Christian Maturity". 

It is a great help in training discipleship, which I received from my brother Timotei Stinea. I quote a few words from the beginning of the first step that I enjoyed: ”These steps towards Christian perfection are intended to help you become well-grounded and mature in your new relationship with Christ. Each step reveals a different understanding of the Christian truth and the Christian life and includes lessons for daily studies”. 

I pray that the Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit give a special blessing over this biblical course as well as open hearts for the Holy Word to come into hearts.

Prayer Requests:

  • For my family’s health and protection on the path of faith

  • For sister Aurelia who is sick

  • For sister Fiica who is sick

  • For brother Beni and Lenuta and their entire family

We wish you Holy greeting from the brothers and sisters of Apuseni!

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Received With Open Arms

”A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling” -Psalms 68:5

With the help of brother Beni T, I went again to the orphans from Abrud bringing treats for the holidays (sweets, fruits, clothes and shoes). The children took them with open arms and embraced me. It seems I may be the only one who brings them gifts at the holidays.

I told them of the birth of the Lord Jesus, how He was born in a humble manger. How angels told the wonderful news to shepherds, and how they went to see the baby. How three wise men came with gifts for the Son of God. I had a wonderful time celebrating with these children. Each of them also received a book with many pictures of the life of Jesus Christ.

Pray for us to have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. With love my family wishes you a blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for your prayer and financial support in 2021.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary

Sisters with Unsaved Family Members

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. -Psalms 33:20

Both in Ponorel and in Sohodol there are older sisters who cannot come to church for reasons of health, which is why I visit them every week, and bring them the Lord’s Supper every month. Both Sister Aurelia and Sister Marioara have in their house their son with a daughter-in-law who are unbelievers. Sister Fica has in the house her daughter and her son-in-law who are unbelievers (in the photo with the Holy Supper  at sister Fica who is ill and not been able to come to church for a long time). The list goes on.

At every visit with these families there are moments of sincere worship. We sing as we can with the help of the Lord, and often I have the opportunity to speak from the Gospel to the unbelievers. It is a special time of questions and answers from the Bible.

Prayer Requests:

  • The steps of my family to be protected every day

  • The unfaithful from the families of believers to be blessed with repentance

  • For the winter period to be a good time of evangelization in families

  • For the orphans from Abrud 

May Jehova Jire bless you with chosen blessings for all that you have given for us! You are in our hearts. Holy greetings!

Florin Botar, PIEI-Romania Missionary