By the grace of God, in the church of Nou, yet another soul has been saved from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of God. We know that heaven has great joy for a single sinner who repents. Together with heaven, we rejoiced with Ema Turoiu, who decided to confess Jesus as her personal Savior by stepping into the waters of baptism. She grew up in a family of believers in the church, attended Sunday school as a child, and is now in a Christian high school in Sibiu. Ema is the fourth generation of believers in her family. Her great-grandmother was the first believer in Nou, followed by her grandmother and grandfather, then her parents, and now her. Praise the Lord for the wonderful way He has worked in this family.
Seeing how the Lord makes the seed of His Word bear fruit is a joy. It was a blessed day in which many friends who came to witness her baptism had the opportunity to hear the gospel. We pray that the Lord will work in their hearts and lead them to follow Christ. Two people confessed to me that they have also made this decision: Ioan and Victoria. We pray that the Lord will help them to be steadfast and overcome all the temptations that come their way.
Thank you for being close to us in prayer and financially! God bless you!
Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Romania Missionary