The month of October was a blessed time in which we focused on how to thank God for His blessings, both material and spiritual.
For four Sundays, we gathered together with nearby churches, and each Sunday we met at a different church location. It was a time of worshipping God through prayer, song, and the Word. Each time, we also had fellowship together around a meal. God blessed us with good weather, allowing us to sit outside for our meals.
We were joyful to see many people from outside the church join us for this celebration and listen to the gospel. We pray that the Lord works in their hearts. For the church, it was a time of joy and encouragement, where many of us rededicated our entire lives to the Lord.
The motto of the meetings was: "Always give thanks to God for all things, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Both prayers and songs, as well as the sermons, were focused on this theme of gratitude.
In all these meetings, we experienced once again the truth of "how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
We also had the joy of hearing that a woman who was with us for the first time made the decision to follow the Lord. Her name is Victoria. In the following meetings, she came with us even to another location and confessed to me, "I have never in my life experienced such great joy." We pray for her family to also come to the Lord.
For all these things, it is fitting to thank the Lord with all our hearts.
During this time, we also had a meeting with the families of the missionaries from the PIE organization. The brothers from the USA were present as well: Cornel Stef, Alex, and Rodica. We had a wonderful time together for two days in Alba Iulia. We shared our experiences from the work we do, prayed for one another, and had time to get to know each other better, both in our joys and the challenges we face.
Thank you for all the support we receive from you.
Blessings to you all!
Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Romania Missionary