
We thank God for all those who received us in their homes. Together with a group of young people, we brought the good news of the birth of the Savior in the streets and in people's homes. We told them about Christ, we prayed with them, and we believe that the Lord will work in their hearts.

In church we had a special program with the children. They presented the birth of the Lord through songs, poems and verses from the Bible. At the end they had a scene of the birth of the Lord. Many parents of the children, who do not usually come to the Church, were present. We prayed for the parents, but also for the children, to stay with the Lord all their lives.

Now, we give glory to God for the year in which we have passed by His grace. We ended the year at church, rejoicing, praising and thanking the Lord for His grace. We pray that the Lord will work in our lives, that this year will be more spiritual, and that many people will come to Christ.

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary