I give glory to the Lord for the wonderful way He works. The Lord called home brother Nicholas, who had both legs amputated. Five months before, he asked to be baptized. Then I asked him: - why do you want to be baptized? and he answered: - I am ready.

It is so important to come to the Lord before it’s too late. He was a testimony to all those close by, who still stay away from the Lord.
At his funeral, it was a great opportunity for evangelism. May the Lord work in the hearts of those in His family and help them return to the Lord until it is not too late.

Also a great joy I had to hear from two young students: Nicolae and Paul, who decided to follow the Lord and want to testify, to be baptised. This is a fruit of the program (Luminita) by which we help the students who finish the eighth grade to contiune study in Sibiu, to prepare themselves for jobs. We pay bus tickets for this program, because for most their parents cannot do it. We also put them in contact with the Gospel, because every week we meet at the church, where we pray, sing and learn from the Word of God.

Now we see the fruits of this work, and we are encouraged to see people following the Lord. We ask them to be resolute and steadfast, and to be an example for others. I mention that in this program we have 24 students, and all are from families who are not from the church.

We praise the Lord for the wonderful way He works.

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary