Christmas Celebration 2017!


All glory be to God for His rich grace which He gave us at the end of the year. To Him all thanks and worship are due with all reverence! The end of the year was marked by several activities at and outside the church. Celebrating the birth of Lord Jesus was a great opportunity to make the Gospel known to our fellow neighbors in various ways. One was through the church services where our brothers and sisters invited guests. The children’s program brought in visitors, parents and relatives of the children. They got to hear the Gospel, to worship with us and to be faced with the decision to accept Christ as personal Savior. We pray that the Lord would work through the Holy Spirit in their heart. Another way was through the carols, on the Christmas evening in the homes of the villagers. This was a blessed time, especially for the sick, the lonely a nd those who don’t attend church. With the sick, we prayed with them and the relatives and friends in their home. They cried and thanked us. Some of them said that the songs reached the ears, but the prayers touched the hearts. We went into homes where no one was Christian, and told them about Lord Jesus and about the reason He came into this world. We also visited the kindergarten in the village, and took presents to all the children, with God’s help and by our brothers and sisters’ provision. The children and teachers especially were very surprised and welcomed us warmly. We pray that all these actions would bring an attitude of gratitude toward God and faith in Lord Jesus Christ, in the life of these people.

Prayer Support:

-   For Nuti, my wife, who is in the hospital with heart problems

-   For Ilie, the husband of Sister Livia, with lung cancer

-   For Ionela, in the hospital, who had stomach surgery

Thanks in the Name of the Lord, for all you do for us. May He reward you!