October 2017

I want to share my thanks to God who carries us from victory to victory. May His Holy Name be praised in all we do!


In October we celebrated Thanksgiving. In our area, especially in the County of Sibiu, the country side churches gather at different location from multiple churches to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Our church was part of three of these locations, and this was a great encouragement for brothers and sisters. We sang and prayed together. Each church group served in some capacity. We prayed for each other and blessed the Lord for His salvati on to us. We are grateful for all the blessings given to us this year. We tried to make as many small groups as possible, with all age categories from church, so that they would enjoy these moments. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from various brothers and sisters about the way they felt encouraged. One of the sisters from church, this being her first time at a celebration like this, said that she felt like she was in heaven and did not want to leave from there. “My heart is filled with joy” she said. One of the youth in the group said that leaving the church to go somewhere else motivated them to prepare better, outside of the normal routine during Sunday service. Most of them said that it was wonderful to be part of the Lord’s family, to rejoice together, anxiously awaiting the return of the Lord. The prayer we lifted for each other and for those unsaved in our families, warmed our hearts. We know that the Lord listens to our prayers, which is why we want to praise Him with all our heart. Every Sunday we shared a meal together. This way we got to know each other better, and to share the joys and the difficult situations we face, to feel for each other and to be motivated to pray for each other. “It is pleasing for the brothers and sister to live together.”


Prayer Requests:

-           For the sick

-           For Brother Nicolae (without legs)

-           For Sister Valeruta (lungs problems)

-           For Sister Maria (swollen legs)

-           For the students and their families

-           For the church friends, to decide to follow Jesus before it’s too late: Maria, Toader, Ilie and Chivuta

May God bless you and keep you in His Grace. Thanks for all you do for us.