He wants to change his life


I particularly participate in personal evangelization and to a group of people who don't know Jesus Christ. I feel a great help for this ministry from mission PIEI, Stef and Golston families, and other brothers and sisters who pray for us, who come to us, who help to make camp and finance support. Peace to you!

At this picture is a young man Oleksandr Koshkin, who is 28 years old. He is married to Maria, 26 years old, and they have two children, a son is 6 and a daughter is 4. It is a young family but they know about God very little. Oleksandr attended a Sunday school in Vanchakauts 14 years ago. His mother is Aliona and father Ivan. In 2006 we conducted evangelization in our village and Aliona had come there with her children. We visit their family every Christmas with carols. They came several times to Evangelizations in Chernivtsi with us. But then guys stopped coming to the church cause their friends and classmates shamed them that they attend a baptist church as a false religion. I met him again and talk about his life, about God, I invite him to the church and I prayed with him about his family. He would like to change his life. He can`t stop smoking and drunking. I told him to come to Jesus and He will help you to release from these diseases and sins.

We have the Bible study of the book Ruth in our church.

I attend the sick brothers and sisters.

I visit regularly churches in Marshintsi and Tarasauts with the sermons.

Please, pray about Oleksandr family, for his mother Aliona any his brother Edick for they would be saved.

I thank mission PIEI, Stef and Golston family for your help, prayers and material support.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

Century to accept God


Greeting to you brothers and sisters in Lord. Thank God for your prayers and support for our ministry.

I had a lot of meetings this month. For example, I visited a family of Sirotian Georgiy where live his son-in-law Victor and daughter Antonina. They look after their father who is 106 years old now. I talked with Georgiy for 1 hour, he has still good memory, hearing and vision. He told many stories of his life, he felt a mighty hand of God. He grew up in the orthodox family and he knew about God very little. Antonina and Viktor listened very carefully and were agree with me. I asked Victor, who is 68 years old, "What gives you the cross on your neck? Everybody has such cross even drunkers, robbers, burglaries, killers, and it doesn`t help them to be good." And he replied that he doesn`t know why does he wear it. And then I started to explain to them what is the cross. It is patience and suffering, in the name of Jesus Christ. Antonina was paid attention and she cried because her life was wrong. Then we prayed together for they could accept Jesus in their heart. I invited them to the church and they come to us sometimes. Please, pray for this family they are close to God.

We have the Bible research of the book of 1 Samuel in our church. We read and analyze every verse step by step.

I continue to attend old and sick people. I help them as I can, preach for them and sing together. Our village is small and our church is not so big, but I still believe that God will give an awakening for our people. Please, pray for these people than I visit for they could found God in their life.

We send you a greeting from our church from Vovchanets and Vanchakauts villages. Thank you very much for your spiritual and material help.

God bless Stef, Petikhachniy and Pastushak families and everyone who is in mission PIEI.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

95 years old woman


Peace and grace to all of you! God help me to meet different people and to talk with them.

For these couple weeks, I had attended different people and different ages. For example, I have been to family Nickolay And Olesia Podolskiy. They are young people, over 30 years. I asked them to pray and to sing one song to read some verses from the Bible. At the beginning the atmosphere was cold but after the song "God is love" they became ready to listen to the Word of God and then they asked many questions and I gave them answers. We told about worship, icons, how does help me a cross on the neck and on the building. After talking we prayed and I invited them to the church.

In this picture is our sister Efrosiniya and she is 95 years. We came to her with brothers to congratulate her. Her sons with their wives and daughters came to her too.

We discuss the Bible in our church. We research the book of Esther.

I visit patients regularly Christians and not-Christians. Talk and pray with them.

I preach the Gospel in Tarasauts and Marshintsy villages.

I pray about that family Podolskiy and others.

I thank you from my heart mission PIEI for your prayers and your support that you care missionaries in Ukraine.

I thank Pastushak and Petikhaniy families for your help and support for awakening in our villages.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

Daily ministry


Peace and grace to all of you! God help me to meet different people and to talk with them. I had a great opportunity to talk with these two men. One of them is Ivan and he is 55. He is separated and lives with his daughter and son-in-low. Another one is Mykola, he is 53.

Ivan used to come to the church, he had told poems and sang common songs for several years, but then he started to drunk. I talk with him many times, I tell him about God and the Bible that he will respond before God. He was really close to God and all his family could come to Jesus too. I invite him to the meeting and he comes sometimes.

Mykola is married and his wife`s name is Alina. They have 5 children. When I come to them I bring food, clothes, and medicals. Alina comes to the congregation but they drunk very much. I tell them every time that they need to pray for God and He will release them from this alcohol. And He will give a sober mind so they could live another life. I invite all their family with children to the church. Please, pray about them. They would like to come to Jesus but alcohol prevents to do that.

We have research on the book of Neemia with the church.

I attend old and sick brothers and sisters.

I preach the Gospel to my neighbors and in Tarasovtsi village.

Please, pray about me because I have an inflammation of all my body. I can not sleep or lie. May God help me to overcome this disease.

I thank you mission PIEI for your prayer and your financial support. God bless your family and ministry.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

Christmas evangelization


Hello to everyone who supports our missionaries by prayer and finance.

We celebrate Christmas on January 7 in Ukraine. And while we have religious freedom we can go from house to house and sing Christmas songs. Many families wait for us every year and some houses we visite for the first time. We can do this two weeks from January 7.

At this picture I with my granddaughters in one family in Vanchakauts village. They listened to us, asked us many questions, and they visited our church. The name of the husband is Alex, he is 50 years, and the name of his wife is Stella and she is 42. They have two sons and one daughter.

In the second picture, we visited another family in Vovchanets village. Her name is Valentina and she is 68 years old and her grandson Dmitriy 30 years and granddaughter Jana 28. I visit them very often and this young family came to our congregation several times. But they shy to come because there are no young families in our church. So, I pray for them for God to give them courage and bravery to come to Christ and stop looking at other families but only on their own.

I ask you, brothers and sisters, to pray about these two families, may God show them His path to His Kingdom. We continue the research of the Bible with questions and answers with our church.

As before I regularly attend many ill people who are Christians and not-Christians and we have discussions God in their houses.

I help the church of Marshintsi village. I preached the Word of God there because there are little preachers.

Please pray about me because I have an exacerbation of the disease of infection in my body. Every three month I need to have a course of treatment, I feel a hard pain, but with your prayer and God`s help, I will fight till the end.

I am appreciated Stef's family and to mission PIE for those packages that they had sent us. May God bless all of you Stef`s, Petikhachniy`s, Pastushak`s families and all brothers who work in mission PIEI.

My family sends to you a heartful and Christian greeting.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

This family is close to God


Greeting to all of you who works and supports mission PIEI.

I have a lot of friends and familiars in our village so I have the opportunity to come to many different families and homes. So, I can give them physical and spiritual help so they are often wondering who we are and why do we do that.

At this picture is family Nestorian Zinoviya she is a widow, her daughter Anjela and her son-in-law Ruslan, and her granddaughter Adeliya. For many years I come to them and help to make a greenhouse, reconstruction of her house, etc., in such a way I have a possibility to tell them a Word of God, about God`s love and salvation of Jesus Christ. They are ready to accept me in their house at any time. When their relatives come to them and I spread the Gospel for all of them. I invited them to the church and they came several times. Please, pray about this family, may God bless them and their relatives.

We continue to research all books of the Bible at our church.

I attend patients every month, I love them and console them.

I pray that God gives me the strength to fight my diseases.

Please, pray about awakening in the Vovchanets and Vanchakauts villages.

I am grateful for all my heart to the brothers of the PIEI mission for your prayers and financial support, and for your love of Ukrainian missionaries.

I love you very much!

Pastor-missionary Vasile Preutesa in Vovchanets and Vankachauts.

God attended one house


God bless mission PIEI and especially Cornel and Gabriela Stef, Pedy and Bob Golston! Thank all of you who pray about spiritual awakening in Ukraine and in our churches of Vovchanets and Vanchacauts.

I with my wife Valia and with two sisters attended one sister in her house. Many times we shared the Gospel with this family and visited them at Christmas Ave. Two families live in this house Georgiy 55 years old and Larisa 54 years old, and one young family Alina she is a chief-doctor in the hospital and her husband Ivan is a furniture-maker. They have two children. Their grandmother Eugine is 83 years old and she worked as director of Culture House. They accept and love to listen to the Word of God and ask many questions: why there are so many churches and confessions? Whom I need to believe? I replied to them that the most correct book in the world is the Holy Bible and it leads people to Paradise. There is written about everything: the creation of human, falling, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, God`s love and Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. We sang and declaimed the poems, prayed and invite them to the church.

We pray about their neighbors that are living close, Alexey and Valentina, may God reveals to their hearts. They told us that they would like to go on the right path and asked us to pray about them to get the strength to start this way and read the Bible.

We have the researching of Psalm in the church.

We attend the patients twice a week.

Many people are wondering how I am still living after 8 surgeries and continue to preach like healthy. I replied to them that we are nothing without God and only He gives us recovery, strength, and passion. Praise the Lord of that.

Thank the mission PIEI and to Stef family that you so long time pray of us and support our ministry.

God bless you all. I am appreciated God for Stef, Golston and Petikhaniy families and for Marilyn that gave us a car!

Pastor-missionary Vasile Preutesa in Vovchanets and Vankachauts.

Testimony of old man


Peace to you brothers and sisters of PIEI mission who are in the USA from our churches in Vanchkauts and Vovchanets villages.

In this picture you can see as I with sisters visited one family, they are very old, brother Zinoviy 93 years old, and sister Eugene, 88 years old. They are believed in God from the 1957 year when I was born. Many years I went with him to Vovchanets and Vankachauts from house to house and told people about God. I had started the conversation about their doing and health and do they thank God for that He gave them. Then Zinoviy told about his life when he was young, as went through war and famine, how he got married and how he met Christians. He wanted to have a Bible and to get to know God better. The price of the Bible was the same as the price of a cow at that time. So, he sold his one cow of two and bought a Bible and then he showed everyone to Whom he talked with. He took this Book with Him everywhere and whenever. He told everyone that there is no anything more worth than the Bible and told as he was repentance and was baptized with his wife in the 1958 year. He worked at a farm all his life as a simple worker and he did not steal anything from there. His name was on the board of honor of a farm and even now nobody in our village cannot say something bad about him. God help us to be like him because people saw in him Alive God. On his street, many neighbors had become believers. And now when he is 93 he still loves God as much as at young age.

I regularly attend patients who are Christians and not-Christians.

As for me, I can say that the mercy of God is upon me, I am still fighting with my disease and infection in my body. Every three month I need to buy expensive medicine.

Pray about our churches and about awakening in our villages. And pray please about me, may God give me strength, wisdom, and braveness to spread the Gospel.

Love all of you brothers from mission PIE, I appreciate you and pray about you.

We thank you for your prayers and support. God bless you all!

Pastor-missionary Vasile Preutesa in Vovchanets and Vankachauts.

Store preacher


Sincere greeting from my heart to all brothers and sisters of the mission PIE and to Cornel family that participated in Ukrainian ministry with spiritual and financial support.

During this week God had given me the opportunity to talk with people of different ages. When I visited the market of our village I talked with costumers about our time and how evil people are, a lot of alcoholics and drug addicts, robberies and murders, it became completely different world, they do not have a conscience and the fear of God. I asked a question to the salesclerk of the store, his name is Yuriy and he is 40 and he has a daughter and a son. Our church had visited his house many times every Christmas. “Who is God and where does He live?” Yuriy and other visitors were caught by surprise and couldn`t say anything. Our prisons are full of people that have an iron cross on the neck and kiss icons and they don`t have any changes in their lives, they were bad and still are. Alcoholics drug addicts, robbers they were baptized in their childhood, they kiss icons but they talk with filthy language, without conscience and shame.

Once I was like they, I wear a cross and kissed an icon but when I opened the Bible I realized that God is spirit so we can not kiss Him or touch Him. We need only believe Him with all our hearts.

I invited all of them to attend the church to hear a Word of God, to raise by their souls and to talk with Christians. They promised to come.

Please, pray of them Yura, Kolia, Ivanna, Masha, and others. May God lead them on His path.

In our church, we have the research of the book of Psalm.

I regularly visit patients at homes, our brothers and sisters.

My health is not very well.

I am grateful to mission PIE and to Stef family, to your support and your prayers. I thanks to Petikchachniy and Pastushak families that remember of our villages and help us.

Love all of you with all my soul!

Pastor-missionary Vasile Preutesa in Vovchanets and Vankachauts.

Neighbor would become sister


To all brothers and sisters who prays and helps to missionaries peace and grace of Jesus Christ to you.

I had a conversation with my neighbor, her name is Natasha, and she is 30 years. When she was 8, we visited her family on Christmas and I gave her the Bible and asked her to read it every day and you will find God in your life. She attended the orthodox for years and did not understand what the priest talk about. And now she told me I want to come to your church and to meet God in real. She liked being here and start to tell her brother and sister about God. I visit her home and talk to her about the Gospel.


I pray about Natasha, may God open her heart and all her family.

I visit old people and those who are sick and talk with them about Jesus Christ.

We have the Bible researches and now we read Psalm.

Pray about the success of sharing the Gospel in our village.

I thanks to mission PIEI for your prayers and support.

I love all of you and God bless you!

Pastor-missionary Vasile Preutesa in Vovchanets and Vankachauts.