He wants to change his life


I particularly participate in personal evangelization and to a group of people who don't know Jesus Christ. I feel a great help for this ministry from mission PIEI, Stef and Golston families, and other brothers and sisters who pray for us, who come to us, who help to make camp and finance support. Peace to you!

At this picture is a young man Oleksandr Koshkin, who is 28 years old. He is married to Maria, 26 years old, and they have two children, a son is 6 and a daughter is 4. It is a young family but they know about God very little. Oleksandr attended a Sunday school in Vanchakauts 14 years ago. His mother is Aliona and father Ivan. In 2006 we conducted evangelization in our village and Aliona had come there with her children. We visit their family every Christmas with carols. They came several times to Evangelizations in Chernivtsi with us. But then guys stopped coming to the church cause their friends and classmates shamed them that they attend a baptist church as a false religion. I met him again and talk about his life, about God, I invite him to the church and I prayed with him about his family. He would like to change his life. He can`t stop smoking and drunking. I told him to come to Jesus and He will help you to release from these diseases and sins.

We have the Bible study of the book Ruth in our church.

I attend the sick brothers and sisters.

I visit regularly churches in Marshintsi and Tarasauts with the sermons.

Please, pray about Oleksandr family, for his mother Aliona any his brother Edick for they would be saved.

I thank mission PIEI, Stef and Golston family for your help, prayers and material support.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.