Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters in USA of mission PIEI from me and our churches in Vovchanets and Vanchakauts villages.
In this picture is family Palagiy, man Valeriy and his wife Stella and his son Nikolay. I am familiar with this family for a couple years. Valeriy is a builder and Stella is a teacher elementary school and she teaches my granddaughter Valery. It is a good family, they are generous and good people. They appreciate customs and traditions. We meet often and I always try to explain to them that everything that we have is given us by God. But the owner of the world and father of evil wants to make people blind and prove that God does not exist. They are interested in God, they ask a lot of questions what is repentance, baptism? Where are from icons and cross? I sing different Christians songs with my granddaughter Valery. We visit them regularly and they wait for us every time. They are close to the Kindom of God. So, please pray for them, may God touch their hearts.
Every time when I visit a store I bless sellers, encourage them to pray God for their future.
When I pick up somebody on my car I switch on some sermon and Christian songs on the player to make an appropriate atmosphere to evangelization.
We have a Bible research from a book of Proverb of Solomon.
I always attend ill brothers and sisters from our church.
I visit other churches in Kostichany, Marshintsy and Tarasavtsy villages.
Pray please for the Palagiy family, they are teachers, and God really loves them.
I thank you, brothers, of PIEI mission for your prayers and support.
With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.