He lost everything with drugs

Peace of God to all missionaries of the mission PIE and your families. We missionaries are very glad that we have you such brothers in Christ from America who help us on the material and spiritual, praying for health for successes missionary service in Ukraine.

During the week in churches I invited people in villages of unbelievers that the doctor will measure glasses for invited, then we talked about God and pray briefly and invite to the meeting so that they come. Let God preserve our brothers in our country, there is a terrible war for more than 2 years and 5 months.

At the first photo I communicate on the road with Alexey Senchuk about 30 years. From 2003 to 2006 he went to the children's meeting in the village. I told him Alexey do not joke with God, come to Christ. Then he replied: Help me I can not quit, I have been smoking for how many years, I had two wives and three children, but now I have nothing. Many years ago you told me: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." I can not forget these words.

Alexey, I tell you, do not play with fire. Repent before God, sincerely ask God for help. Read, the Bible, go to meetings and God will help you get out of your situations.

At the second picture I met women and talked with them about an hour about the creation of the world, of God's love, about the salvation of man from Hell, the second descending of Jesus, they asked different questions and I replied. I told them how I repented, how came to God and serve him for 43 years and never regret about that.

Please pray for these people, may they find God.

Pray for the camp in Boyan for Pavel and Larisa who organize it.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa