Evangelization at school

Dear brothers of the PIE mission. We are very grateful to you for your support and prayers. We pray for the end of the terrible war.

In the first picture, I am at school. My granddaughter Julia graduated from the school. I had an opportunity to talk with three teachers. A couple of years ago we made evangelization in their classes. Ii with Valery and Julia had a good program for an hour. A head of school allowed us to tell children about God. We told them many stories from the Bible and about love of God. These teachers asked me many times to pray about them because they felt how God help them after our prayers.

In the second picture, I am with Illya. I attended him and asked does he read the Bible, he had been to the war for 8 months. I shared with my testimony.

Please pray for these people, may they find God.

Pray for the camp in Boyan for Pavel and Larisa who organize it.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa