January 2017

In January, we celebrate several holidays in Ukraine, the greatest of which is Christmas that we celebrate on January 7th.  Our youth at church prepared some carols and we went caroling in the village. Beforehand we prepared a wish list with the families who invited us to visit them and bring them the Good News about our Savior. Many of them we visited for the first time. We caroled 33 houses in Vanchikauts. My granddaughters Julia and Valeria joined us too. We went caroling to the school principal and other 8 teachers. We thank God for giving us the opportunity to share the Gospel to the unsaved people. We invited them to church. We pray for all who heard the Gospel to open their hearts and homes for Jesus. 

I visited the sick of our church, which needed encouragement and comfort that I gave them from the Bible. Their children are not saved yet and we pray for them. They listened to the Word of God very carefully. 

Best wishes, Vasil Preutesa, pastor- missionary in Fagadau and Vanchikauts