December 2016

In the last month of 2016 I had the opportunity to share the people in Fagadau the Good News of Jesus Christ. In December the orthodox people celebrate different kinds of holidays such as Saint Nicholas Day or Saint Andrew’s Day that are significant for them but they don’t know who these saints were. They do what their parents did before, without asking why they are doing it. I am telling this because when I entered some houses in Fagadau I asked them whom are they honoring on that day, and they didn’t know what to answer. I started to tell them about Jesus Christ, the world’s Savior, and that only Him we should honor and celebrate because only He deserves praise and honor. I also invited them to the Bible study that is held in our church. There they would be able to learn more about God’s love and His plan of salvation. Please pray for the families I talked to: Leon and Eugenia, Ion and Maria. Please pray also for all people in Fagadau and Vanchikauts to whom I share the Gospel on different occasions. Pray also for me to be able to work in these two villages. 

Our youth is preparing special Christmas programs with skits and songs for Christmas and New Year. We plan to go caroling in two villages: Vanchikauts and Fagadau. We prepared invitations to the Christmas program that has to be the following day at church and calendars for each house that we will be caroling. We pray God to work at the hearts of the people in Vanchikauts and Fagadau. 

Thank you for supporting me financially and spiritually by your prayers. May the Lord reward you!

Receive lots of greetings from my family. We wish you Merry Christmas and may the blessings of the Lord be upon you and your families!

Love, Vasil Preutesa, pastor-missionary in Fagadau and Vanchikauts