September 2016

Greetings with the peace of the Lord, dear brothers and sisters! By God’s grace we have lived another month when we felt God’s blessings in the ministry. At the beginning of the month there was a mega outreach in the central park of the city. There were nearly 1500 people who heard the Gospel and the beautiful songs of the choir, the orchestra and of the youth group. We are glad that at the end of the service a young family came in front and repented. We also pray for others listeners, who heard the Gospel to repent. 

At the end of the month we had another outreach at our church where we celebrated the Harvest Day. Our youth decorated the church with a big pyramid of fruits, vegetables and different kind of bread, cakes and sweets. With the whole church we thanked God for the rich harvest, for everyday food and bread, for water and for the Spiritual Bread that is the Word of God. We trust in an amazing God who blesses us with beautiful harvest, takes care of us, and protects us. Praise Him for this! At the end of the service all the goods from the pyramid were shared to families in need and to single old people. They all enjoyed a lot the gifts. 

I had the opportunity to assist at the devotional of two brothers as deacons, at church number 2 in Chernovtsy. Praise the Lord for calling new people in the ministry. 

Our church was visited by brothers and sisters from the eastern part of Ukraine, from the war area. Unfortunately, the situation there is still bad, many people are dying and we pray our Lord to bring peace in that area. Last year the family that visited us, lived in our church. This year they decided to return to their home in the east, but they couldn’t live there because the situation there has worsened and they are afraid of their children. They visited us and told us that they will stay for a while in Kiev where they are going to stay in one of the hostels for the refugees, prepared by our brothers in Christ from Kiev. Continue to pray for Ukraine. 

Another new academic year has started at the Seminary. We are glad and thankful to God for the new students coming this year to study at the Seminary. We ask God’s blessings upon the students and the teachers. 

We also pray for you, who work with us in the God’s vineyard. We pray for sister Marilyn’s health that she could be with her family and serve the Lord in her church. Thank you for supporting us. May the Lord bless you! Receive many greetings from my family. 

Best wishes, Postusak Grigory