August 2016

I thank the Lord for the opportunity to always come in His presence with prayers, requests and thanksgiving. We joined with you in prayer for sister Marilyn, and we keep praying for her recovery. May the Lord bless her and make her heart work normally. We trust our Lord as we know that everything is in His control. My family says greetings to sister Marilyn, brother Carl and all their family. 

In August I and 18 teenagers spent a week of Bible study in the Carpathian mountains. Along with other pastors we are preparing these young people for ministry in the Lord’s vineyard. We were glad that 10 of those 18 teenagers accepted the Lord in their heart. On the last day we went on excursion through the mountains and admired God’s creation. 

On the second part of August other 80 young people went on the mountains for Bible study. There were special chalets where the youth lived in. They were encouraged for the work in the Lord’s vineyard. We pray for them. 

At the end of the month I went to Kiev at the second missionary forum. There were almost 1500 of missionaries who work in Ukraine and abroad. 

At the moment we are preparing for a great evangelism in which we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving. We plan to organize it on September 12, in the central park of Chernovtsy.  We hired a big hall in the park and are going to invite everybody in the town to this festival. Pray for this ministry that the Word of God will bring fruit of repentance in many hearts. 

Best wishes, Postusak Grigory