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Baptism of my sister

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for His mercy, for His love and for His protection and this month we also worked and served Him without obstacles. I am grateful to God for adding to His Church devoted people to Him who are ready to give their lives for the sake of Jesus Christ.

1. Baptism

- I conducted a baptism in the church of the village of Sterche, where my sister wanted to make a covenant with Jesus through water baptism.

- I was very glad to hear when she was asked if she had not changed her mind about taking this step, but she answered that no one and nothing could separate her from the love of Christ. And she takes this step with love and with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

- Many unbelievers were present at this baptismal feast, the children of this sister and her husband is also an unbeliever. Glory to God for the good news of the Gospel to people who listened attentively to the sermons of the pastor brothers who preached the Word in the Power of the Holy Spirit. We pray for these people who listened to the Word of God so that the Lord would test their hearts for repentance.

- I also participated in the baptism in the church of the village of Rokitne, where our missionary pastor, brother Kioresko Gregory. There I preached before the baptism, where one sister was baptized, and I preached and encouraged her through the Word of God so that she would be strengthened in the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. Evangelism

- I conducted evangelism in the village of Nesvoya. At this evangelism there were many people from among the unbelievers who listened attentively to the Word of God. I preached at this evangelism about the resurrection of Jesus Christ for a new life. Among the unbelievers there were also people who wanted to start a new life, and therefore after the evangelism they approached me with these spiritual questions, to which I, with God's help, answered them.

3. Visiting the sick

- I visited many sick people from the church with the breaking of bread, where I conducted mini evangelism in their homes. After this evangelism, there were many questions that I answered.

4. Thanksgiving

- We are grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in the evangelism here in Ukraine, for your prayers for us and for our ministry here, for your support and your material help through which we help others in need during this difficult time of war with us. We also help many refugees who live near us where we live, in our Chernivtsi region and in the city.

- We are grateful to God for the protection and security of our Chernivtsi region and for the city of Chernivtsi because we have not yet been bombed by missiles. We hope further and only for His mercy and protection.

5. Prayer needs:

- Pray for those souls who have received water baptism, so that they fulfill those promises that they gave to God to serve Him until the end of their lives, so that they would fulfill with faith and love.

- Pray for this senseless war to end, so that the people of God can serve and glorify God calmly and peacefully.

Pray for those unbelievers who listened to the Word of God during our evangelism, so that the Lord will test their hearts for repentance.

- Pray that there will be no more missiles in our region of Chernivtsi, and throughout Ukraine, because innocent people and children are dying (Lviv, Krivoy Rog, Poltava and other cities of Ukraine).

And we pray for you, our dear partners in evangelism in Ukraine. We wish you the most abundant blessings from the Lord God. We love you and always pray for you.

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavel & Larisa family.