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Evangelism in the church of the village of Shcherbintsi


I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God for the fact that all the circumstances in my life, this month, were given by the Lord for success in the gospel.

1. Bible Studies:

-This month I taught a lecture from the Sermon on the Mount series at God's Family Church. The members of this church asked me to teach them about meekness because they wanted to learn how to acquire this meekness and how to work with this meekness. At the end of this lesson, there were people who accepted Jesus as their Personal Savior.

2. Evangelism:

- We had good evangelism in the church of the village of Shcherbintsi, where many young people and children were present. We preached there on the evangelistic theme together with the missionary brother Grigory Kiorescu. After this evangelization, we were asked many questions on various topics.

3.Bread breaking:

- I spent the breaking of bread in the church in the village of Zhylivka. There was no pastor in this church and I served as an evangelist for 3 years. Last year, 2 souls repented in this church. And now the ECB Unions of Chernivtsi region have chosen a pastor who will constantly serve in the church in the village of Zhylivka ... We pray for this pastor and for this church that the Lord bless them and that the Zhilovskaya church grows both spiritually and in number.


-I conducted the funeral of one sister, in the village of Nesvoya, who was a member of our church (she was 76 years old, her name was Rodica). At these funerals were many non-believers, including relatives from the Republic of Moldova, who listened attentively to the Word of God. We pray for these people, especially her son Roman and his family, that everyone will repent.


-I am grateful to God that my family and I are healthy and can serve God together.

-Thank you for helping us both materially and spiritually. Therefore, thanks to this help, we can better serve God-Praise the Lord! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

-Thank God for the fact that our youth gather again, as before, to study the Word of God.

-Thank the Lord for the fact that after the holiday, the Nativity of Christ, more unbelievers began to go to the meetings. We pray for them.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray with us that God will protect our missionaries and their families from the Pandemic.

-So that in 2021 they will have success in evangelism, so that many unsaved people will repent and accept Christ as the personal Savior of their souls.

-So that the Church of Christ (Universal), including us, are all ready to meet with our Savior and our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

-To end the war in Ukraine.

We constantly pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord will bless you and your families, your churches and your country, USA. Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.