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Aid for needy


Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, we greet you with the love of Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God for helping us to gather together with the entire church to celebrate Christmas and New Year 2021.

1.Christmas and New Years 2021:

-We have thanked the Lord for the whole past year and asked for blessings in 2021. The Word was preached and the youth glorified God through chants and poems to the glory of the Lord. We pray for those non-believers who come to our services, so that God opens their hearts to repentance. On these holidays, I organized evangelism not only in Nesvoi, but also in Zhilovka. I am very glad that a new generation is rising up in our church, which glorify God with love, not only in the Nesvoiskaya church, but also in other small churches. Our hearts rejoice that one soul repented in the Zhilovskaya church.


2.Help orphans:

-Our church from the village of Nesvoi prepared 200 gifts for orphans from the Chernivtsi region. We also collected products such as: potatoes, onions, carrots, beetroot, beans, cabbage, sunflower oil, pasta, rice, flour, various preserves from jam and kampots. All this was loaded to me, full of beads, and I delivered to orphans and widows in Chernivtsi. Due to the pandemic, we could not make a table of love for these children, as we did before, but thank God for this opportunity to help these children ... They were very happy when they saw that God helps them through believing people. We also gave such help in a boarding school in Sadgora, where widows with children who have lost their husbands now live in the ATO zone (in the war zone in Lugansk and Donetsk). They received us with tears of gratitude in their eyes for this help.

We also brought food and gifts to all families who took orphans in their families and live in houses located on Kovelskaya street (near the Bible Center number 25). We also carried products to those boarding schools in the city where they work with orphans. Thank God for the fact that He helped us do such a blessed work!


3. Carols:

-Our youth went around the village with carols (this is a good tradition for Christmas in our Bukovina) and glorified God for His Son who was born for us in the city of Bethel and brought us atonement for our sins - for the Messiah. We gave people spiritual calendars for 2021 and Christian newspapers, which we received from the regional office of the ECB of the Chernivtsi region. On the second day there was an evangelization in our church and many unbelievers who were visited by our youth came. We pray for them to repent.


-Thank God always for you, and for your help, material and prayer, which helps us to work for God to meet, and be successful in the gospel of the spread of the Word, in this difficult time of the Pandemic.

-Thank God for our youth and young families who help me to spread the Word of God.

-Thanks to God for protecting us, missionaries of PIEI Ukraine, from the Pandemic.


-For the Lord helped us deliver aid to orphans and widows.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Let's pray that we will be able to hold a youth Christian camp this year.

-So that more people will repent in 2021.

-So that we can prepare more disciples for the ministry in God's Vineyard.

Thank you for your prayers. And we pray for you. We prayed for the presidential elections in the United States. We will continue to pray for you and your country. We wish the Lord bless you abundantly and so that it does not happen in our and your lives, we will always be faithful God and we will have the Peace of Christ in our hearts. May God help us in this! May the grace and Peace of God be with you all, Amen!

With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.