At the beginning of the month I and a group of singers from our church visited three sick members of our church sharing the Communion with them and confessing the Lord to their family members who are not Christian…
February 2018
We bought wood for heating at church and the youth gathered it together in the shed.
We pray for peace in Ukraine, for brothers and sisters in the Lord who live in the war zone. We also pray for our president and the senators to get wisdom from God and lead our country in peace and under the God’s fear…
January 2018
From the very beginning of the year our church met nine days in a row for prayer. We had different reasons for prayer, but the greatest reason was for God to bless us throughout the year. I am glad that our church isn’t passive and gathers regularly to pray, as well as our sisters of the church.
I shared Communion with two sick people and encouraged them with God’s Word. We prayed for their children and grandchildren to repent. Several young people from our church and our son Slavik went to Avdeevka, a little town situated 30 km from Donetsk, and helped the brothers and sisters in Christ there. With the money from the PIEI mission and the other money we raised, we bought warm socks, food and other hygienic supplies. The church building in that town was restored after the bombing, because this town is under the Ukrainian army. Nevertheless lots of houses are destroyed and people there are still in danger because the Russian enemies bomb the town from time to time. Let us pray for people in Avdeevka, especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ who wish for peace for their little town. All the people and the soldiers in Avdeevka thanked everybody for help.
We had two evangelisms in our church. One of them was with the participation of some Romanian preachers. Five people from the community came to the evangelisms. We pray for them to be touched by the Holy Spirit.
Our church helped two families who have sick children financially. One family needs money for their son’s surgery scheduled to be in Spain. The other family has a very sick daughter who needs serious surgery too. We pray for these families.
Love, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar