December 2017

With God’s help I did the following works in December:

On the first Sunday I visited the sick of the church and shared the Communion with them. I am glad that a relative of a sick member, who is not repented, started to come to our church. We pray for her. Even these mini-evangelisms at the sick homes bring fruit.  

My son Slavik and a few other young people went to the war area of our country and brought some charity aid to the brothers and sisters in the Lord living there. We raised money and bought food and warm clothes for them. We pray for this ministry, that more people who had the opportunity to hear the Gospel there, to accept the Lord. 

On December 25 a group of youth from our church went caroling in a neighboring village called Malinesht. They sang carols and invited the people from that village to church. We pray for people in that village to repent. 

The youth and children of the church are preparing for the evangelisms that will be in January, at Christmas and New Year. Our church celebrates Christmas in January, when the whole village celebrates. This is a good opportunity to go from house to house and share the Good News. We pray for this ministry. 

Thank you for supporting us spiritually and financially. May the Lord reward your sacrifice! We wish you the greatest blessings from our Lord! 

Love, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar