March 2017

By God’s grace at the beginning of this month I took a group of young people from the church and visited three members of our church who are sick. They listened to our songs and sermon with great pleasure. Besides we answered to all questions of their neighbors who assisted there too. At the end we prayed for them. May the Lord work in their hearts!

With the choir we visited the churches in Dolzhok and Malineshti as these are our neighbor villages. 

At church we had a baby dedication. It was a great holiday for the young parents and the church. There were a lot of guests at this event. It was a beautiful service to the glory of God. 

A group of youth from the church helped an old sister to plant her garden with potatoes, onion and other vegetable seeds. She praised the Lord for having such brothers and sisters who never leave her in hard times. 

Our church helped a widow with 8 children. She lives far away, in Transcarpathia. We brought her food and everything she needed. We pray for her. 

I continue to teach discipleship to the candidates to baptism. We pray for this work too. 

Love, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar